This is a sample report generated by LoadRunner Analysis and explained here
 Analysis Summary Period: 30/08/2004 07:42:09 - 30/08/2004 07:51:26

Scenario Name: ....lrs
Results in Session: ...lrr
Duration: 9 minutes and 17 seconds.

 Statistics Summary 

   Maximum Running Vusers: 8
   Total Throughput (bytes): 179,746,398
  Average Throughput (bytes/second): 322,126
  Total Hits: 26,500
  Average Hits per Second: 47.491   View HTTP Responses Summary

  Transaction Summary 

  Transactions: Total Passed: 3,500 Total Failed: 0 Total Stopped: 0           Average Response Time

Transaction Name Minimum Average Maximum Std. Deviation 90 Percent Pass Fail Stop
0.0 Vuser pass 5.636 6.472 11.334 0.838 7.329 500 0 0
0.1 Login URL 0.116 0.234 3.302 0.224 0.344 500 0 0
1.1 Login submit 0.786 1.117 4.641 0.299 1.382 500 0 0
Delete INBOX 0.524 0.78 4.343 0.249 1.018 500 0 0
Logout 0.078 0.183 3.278 0.2 0.303 500 0 0
Undel msgs 0.462 0.721 3.46 0.222 0.968 500 0 0
View Trash 0.432 0.642 3.665 0.234 0.897 500 0 0

 HTTP Responses Summary 

HTTP Responses Total Per second
HTTP_200 26,500 47.491

Filters: (Include Think Time)