Console Invocation
The Grinder's "Console" is like LoadRunner's "Controller".
It is the central program (on a "main" machine) which starts and stops
load generator ("injector") worker processes which interpret and carry out Jython test scripts.
During a test run, it collates the "samples" it receives, and displays statistics summarizing the activity.
The Grinder Console can be invoked several ways.
After you manually open a Windows command window
(by clicking Start, Selecting "Run...", typing "cmd", and clicking "OK"),
and executing:
java -version
This confirms that java is available for use at the location specified by the CLASSPATH enviornment variable.
cd \grinder3\mine
This is establishes the "current" directory holding user-specific project files.
Add this folder path to the PATH environment variable.
Also add this to path as an environment variable such as GRINDERENV.
java net.grinder.Console
This invokes Grinder using the "" file in the current directory.
The Task Manager sees a new "java.exe" process appear.
The "C" in "Console" must be upper case. If you type the lower case "console", expect this return message:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/grinder/console
If you don't see see the Console, maybe your "" file
Adding # in front of this line (commenting it out) is usually preferred to changing "false" to "true".
Closing the command window will make the Console disappear!
My custom Windows command file was adapted from sample "startConsole.cmd" Windows command script:
SET GRINDERCLASS=C:\grinder-3.0-beta29
call %GRINDERCLASS%\setGrinderEnv.cmd
java -cp %CLASSPATH% net.grinder.Console
pause Press Ctrl-C
This example uses the GRINDERENV environment variable
and invokes the JRE specified in the CLASSPATH environment variable.
More about the "setGrinderEnv.cmd" file later.
To make this execute every time you boot up, create a link to this within your "Startup" folder.