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Reload this page Windows 8 JavaScript Programming

Here is a compact yet deep technical exploration of programming Windows 8 user apps using JavaScript for the new Metro end-user interface introduced by Windows Phone 7.

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Set screen Dev. Skill Certification

Develop Metro style Apps by Using WinRT (17%)
•Create background tasks.
?implement the Windows.applicationmodel.background classes; implement WebUIBackgroundTaskInstance; create a background task to manage and preserve resources; create a background task to get notifications for an app; register the background task by using the BackgroundTaskBuilder class
•Consume background tasks.
?use timing triggers and system triggers; keep communication channels open; request lock screen access; use the backgroundtransfer class to finish downloads
•Integrate WinMD components into a solution.
?consume a WinMD component in JavaScript; handle WinMD reference types; reference a WinMD component
Discover and Interact with Devices (13%)
•Capture media with the camera and microphone.
?use CameraCaptureUI to take pictures or video, and configure camera settings; use MediaCapture to capture pictures, video, and audio; configure camera settings; set media formats; handle media capture events
•Get data from sensors.
?determine the availability of a sensor (Windows.devices.sensors); add sensor requests to the app manifest; handle sensor events; get sensor properties; determine location via GPS
•Enumerate and discover device capabilities.
?discover the capabilities and properties of available devices, for example, as GPS, removable storage, 
	accelerometer, and near field communication
Program User Interaction (18%)
•Implement printing by using contracts and charms.
?implement the Print contract; create a custom print template; construct a print preview; handle print pagination; implement in-app printing; expose printer settings within an app
•Implement Play To by using contracts and charms.
?register an app for Play To; use PlayToManager stream media assets; register an app as a PlayToReceiver
•Notify users by using Windows Push Notification Service (WNS).
?authenticate with WNS; request, create, and save a notification channel; call and poll the WNS
Enhance the User Interface (18%)
•Design for and implement UI responsiveness.
?choose an asynchronous strategy between web workers and promises; implement web workers; nest and chain promises; make custom functions promise-aware
•Implement animations and transitions.
?apply animations from the animation library (WinJS.UI.animation); create and customize animations and transitions by using CSS; apply transformations; create animations by using keypoints; apply timing functions; animate with the HTML5 element
•Create custom controls.
?create custom controls using WinJS.Namespace, WinJS.Class.define, and HTML; bind to custom controls with data-win-bind; inherit from and extend an existing WinJS control
•Design apps for globalization and localization.
?implement .resjson files to translate text; implement collation and grouping to support different reading directions; implement culture-specific formatting for dates and times; bind JSON properties to resources by using the data-win-res property
Manage Data and Security (18%)
•Design and implement data caching.
?choose which types of items (user data, settings, application data) in your app should be persisted to the cache based on requirements; choose when items are cached; choose where items are cached (Windows Azure, remote storage); select a caching mechanism; store data by using indexDB, LocalStorage, and SessionStorage
•Save and retrieve files from the file system.
?handle file streams; save and retrieve files by using the StorageFile and StorageFolder classes; set file extensions and associations; save and retrieve files by using file pickers and the folder picker; compress files to save space; access libraries, for example, pictures, documents, and videos
•Secure application data.
?encrypt data by using the Windows.Security.Cryptography namespace; enroll and request certificates; encrypt data by using certificates
Prepare for a Solution Deployment (16%)
•Design and implement trial functionality in an app.
?set up a timed trial; set up a feature-based trial; set up in-app purchases; transition an app from trial to full
•Design for error handling.
?design the app so that errors and exceptions never reach the user; handle device capability errors; handle promises errors
•Design and implement a test strategy.
?design a functional test plan; implement a coded UI test; design a reliability test plan, including performance testing, stress testing, scalability testing, and duration testing
•Design a diagnostics and monitoring strategy.
?design profiling, tracing, performance counters, audit trails (events and information), and usage reporting; decide where to log events (local vs. centralized reporting)

Set screen Sample WinJS App Source

Set screen App Certification

Change Windows 8 JavaScript–Splash Screen
Group :: App Coding Basics

Set screen Project Properties

Set screen default.html - HTML5 Basics

Set screen default.css

Set screen Running

Set screen default.js Coding

Set screen Strict Mode

Set screen WinJS

Set screen JavaScript Invocation

Set screen Binding in data.js

Set screen Visual Studio Debug Run

Set screen Checkpoint Handling

Set screen Logging

Set screen NameSpaces

Set screen App Bar Localized

Set screen Glyphs Icons Built-in

Set screen Page Navigation

Set screen System Charms

Set screen Menu Switching Groups

Set screen App Search Contract

DO THIS: Per this:

  1. Ctrl + Shift A or Project > Add > Add New Item ... > Search Contract generates in js folder searchResults.js and searchResults.css.
  2. Edit default.html to add link to the searchResults.js file:

    <script src="/js/searchResults.js"></script>

  3. Associate with activation next.

Set screen System Charm Search Contracts

Set screen Achieving Metro CSS Guidelines by View State

Set screen Snapped View State

Set screen CSS for Group Layout

Set screen Detail Page Layout


Set screen CSS for Detail Layout

Set screen CSS Layout Analysis

Set screen Grid App UI Customizations

Set screen Hash Images

Set screen images Folder

Set screen Auto Image Scaling

Set screen List View

Set screen WinRT App I/O

Set screen On-device storage

Set screen External Resource in Frame

Set screen Printers and Projectors

Set screen Fonts

Set screen Animations

Set screen Sounds

Set screen GUI Controls

Set screen Fixed Layout ViewBox

Set screen Grid Layout Page Control

Set screen Tap and Send

Set screen Toast Notifications

Set screen Save to SkyDrive

Set screen Asynchronous Operations

Set screen User Authentication

Set screen Live Connect SDK

Set screen OAuth 2.0 Live Connect SDK

Set screen Calendars

Set screen Messenger

Set screen ByteCode Generation

Set screen Code Generation

Set screen Timing Performance

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