Here is a compact yet deep technical step-by-step guide to coding HTML5 and CSS3 for display by internet browsers on the web, Android, iPhones, iPad, and other mobile smartphones and tablets, all in one page with clickable flowcharts. Wise tips, but without the sales hype and confusing generalities. Topics are presented in a sequence determined from a meticulous analysis of the subject.
This site is based on a combination of these resources:
To avoid a hassle for users with obsolete bookmarks, instead of deleting HTML files, their contents are replaced with these redirection commands:
<html><head> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url="> </head> <body> This site has been redesigned! <p> In a moment, you will be automatically redirected to the new page. <p> If your browser does not refresh, <a href=""> click here</a>.) <P> Please update your bookmarks. </body></html>
Every browser clear back to the dreaded IE6 recognizes this, which doesn't mean that they support HTML5.
Without this tag, IE browsers enter quirks mode for backward compatibility of (incorrect) box width CSS handling in IE5.
Pages using CSS file g1.css are coded to:
<XML is not the first line because IE6 goes into "quarks" mode if <DOCTYPE is not the first line of a HTML file.
TODO: Consider adding a manifest.appcache:
This is ignored by HTML5 browsers.
h5bp defines the HTML tag conditionally based on variation in handling misbehaving browsers: See
h5bp specifies use of the UTF-8 international character set:
This is instead of specifying the mostly European character set:
However, specifying a character set in a meta tag disables the lookahead downloader in IE8. So to improve resource download parallelization, move the character set to the HTTP Content-Type response header.
The <title of the page appears on the white-on-blue bar at the top of some browser windows. Robert Gasiorowski reported that Netscape Navigator 4 sometimes won't work without it.
It is OK for the <title to be among <meta tags, before the description <meta tag.
These additional viewport content strings:
were removed due to the issues identified in this discussion and summarized below on this page. Each mobile browser type handles orientation changes slightly differently. For example, Mobile Safari often just zooms the page when changing from portrait to landscape instead of laying out the page as it would if originally loaded in landscape. If web developers want their scale settings to remain consistent when switching orientations on the iPhone, they must add a maximum-scale value to prevent this zooming, which has the sometimes-unwanted side effect of preventing users from zooming in.
target-densitydpi=device-dpi is needed for Android because high resolution device can be twice as high as a low resolution one, with the same physical device size. This big difference make the picture shrink into half size.
MobileBoilerplate adds this:
If a page is formatted for the 150 by 150 pixels on a typical Palm OS device, the 177 by 208 pixels on a Nokia 3650 smartphone, or the 215 by 270 pixels of a typical Pocket PC device, Aventgo recognizes this tag:
MobileBoilerplate adds this to activate within Mobile IE's ClearType technology for smoothing fonts for easier reading:
MobileBoilerplate adds this for iOS web apps based on Alex Gibson's post on iOS startup images - reconsidered
A humans.txt file is included (just to be cool):
OpenID tags are also included.
MobileBoilerplate specifies reuse of apple's 57x57 icon for nokia devices:
WEBSITE: by Mathias Bynens was noted in h5bps to explain why this HTML specifying icons for Apple is needed for Android devices:
The order of these specifications is important because only iOS 4.2+ recognizes the sizes attribute.
Prior iOS versions use the last one listed.
"precomposed" is specified to block iOS from automatically modifying the icons with rounded corners, drop shadows, and reflective shine allowed by this default specification (and thus not specified in our HTML). Android 2.1 ONLY supports precomposed icons.
More from the Apple Safari Web Content Guide:
MobileBoilerplate defines sample startup image files:
CAUTION: Every image specified in a <link is downloaded, regardless of which one is used on the device. iOS 4+ recognizes the sizes attribute, but older versions do not. So for the sake of older versions, it is better for JavaScript to dynamically create the <link specs for the device actually in use.
This site follows the h5bp naming convention, but
TIP: CSS files are housed in a secondary host name (server for simultaneous (faster) loading.
WARNING: Some pages of this site may be formatted in the prior version which uses a file named global.css.
Formatting of various items on this website are specified by a combination of
javascript as well as
are difficult because they don't work the same on all browsers, and not at all on very early browsers.
Javascript is needed for language and other user preferences.
However, users must wait for the Modernizr JavaScript library to load (from the <head section) and execute to identify which HTML5 features the browser being used actually supports, so that the code appropriate for that browser can be used. Internals of how Modernizr works is ARTICLE: an-introduction-to-modernizr-for-designers and WEBSITE: Modernizr’s Official Documentation.
WEBSITE: Modernizr and Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) recommends that to reduce load times during production use, build a custom edition of Modernizr at, then minify and compress it before putting it in your own CDN (such as CloudFire). Time is saved by detecting only the HTML5 features you use among 40 (or more) that development versions churn through. Custom versions can exclude the HTML5 shim script for cross-browser support when styling HTML5′s new semantic elements.
h5bp comes with a development build (that churns through everything) in this folder and file name:
However, this code is added on pages to fall back to the local file on my server only if it cannot load it from CDNJS:
Microsoft CDN cannot be used because it has an old version:
WEBSITE: Tutorial on A List Apart by Faruk Ates, Modernizr's Creator, notes that Modernizr was created based on the principle of progressive enhancement, so it supports—encourages, even—building your website layer by layer, starting with a JavaScript-free foundation and adding layers of enhancement one by one.
WEBSITE: HTML5 Please lists and enables you to search for fallbacks and polyfills to make older browsers behave like HTML5.
WEBSITE: Polyfills is a term coined by Remy Sharp to describe JavaScript shims that replicate native features of new browsers in browsers without such features.
WEBSITE: Write your own Polyfills
TOOL: CSS3PIE, with PIE meaning Progressive Internet Explorer, uses Microsoft's HTC (HTML Component) to enable Microsoft IE 6 thru 9 internet browsers to mimic CSS3 border-radius, box-shadow, and linear-gradient decordation features.
Older pages used attributes in the <body tag for obsolete Navigator browsers:
Explorer-specific topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" and
Navigator-specific marginwidth="0" marginheigth="0"
were added to remove all extra spacing added to each frame by default, per
SyncFrset from the previous century.
These need to be replaced by CSS because they cause HTML validation to fail.
Background Body Color is #FFFFE0 (a light beige in FireFox/Netscape 4 and light grey in Internet Explorer 4) is used because it is easier on the eyes than stark white (FFFFFF). This avoided warping on WebTV browsers (remember them?).
h5bp | Modified for this site |
html { font-size: 100%; -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; } | html { font-size: 100%; -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; } |
body { margin: 0; font-size: 1.0em; line-height: 1.4; } | body { margin: 0; font-size: 0.9em; line-height: 1.0; color: #550000; } |
td { vertical-align: top; } | td { vertical-align: top; padding: 4; } | - | td.source {FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } |
TODO: This table makes use of jQuery JavaScript for sorting columns.
Older pages may contain this tag below the <body tag to provide a handle for JavaScript to play sounds:
I used to think that it would be entertaining to have some sound with every page. So I put in Netscape EMBED commands such as:
I no longer use the Microsoft BGSOUND command because it doesn't provide an option to turn off:
The media player icon makes the page look cheap trashy, from the 70's.
The horizontal menu is auto-convented to a drop-down, as seen on WEBSITE: Five Simple Steps. This is done by defining both <select> and <a> lists, then hiding one or ther other depending on screen size.
HTLM5Boilerplate styles.css includes this line:
This We will use it when W3C Markup validation recognizes it as valid.
The role attributed is a landmark for navigation of dynamically generated HTML when using assistive technologies, as specified by WAI-ARIA (Web Accessibility Initiative - Accessible Rich Internet Applications).
A fuller example with several regions is:
So this markup will need to be removed from HTML and generated by JavaScript
There are several lists of menus on each page.
Since 21 Sep. 2004, The Man In Blue's Resolution Dependent Layout of 4 columns changes the position of DIV's according to browser width.
Another 3-column example is by Paul O'Brien, author of SitePoint's Ultimate CSS Reference.
Although detecting screen dimension is possible using window.onresize, its use crashes older versions of IE because the event continually fires as windows are altered.
Even viewport dimension changes can be detected, factors such as orientation and aspect ratios must be calculated, with no guarantee it’ll match your browser’s assumptions when it applies media query rules in CSS.
TOOL: matchMedia.js polyfill (31 lines of JS) from Paul Irish or scottjehl tests media queries in JS, used by Modernizr.
The phrase "Responsive Web Design" was coined in 2006 by Ethan Marcotte in his article. Columns on these sites appear and disappear as the screen gets bigger and smaller:
Explanations of achieving this is at this Responsive Design video and a great sample page using the cleanly design Golidlocks Approach Boilerplate [download].
Designing for "mobile first" is done so that mobile devices need not waste bandwidth downloading desktop styles. CSS3 @media queries identify attributes of the screen being viewed. Older browsers without CSS3 support can use JavaScript to mimic media queries.
TIP: @media queries need just 4 generic contexts based:
Div | Desc. | HD Screen |
Desktop Monitor |
Big Tablet |
Small Tablet |
Hand- held |
- | Bookmarklets![]() | >= 1025 | 769- 1024 | 481- 768 | 321- 480 | 0 to 320 |
- | Basis of 1em = 10px | 94em | 61.25em 980px | 40em | - | - |
TopRail | Line at top of viewport | 1 left | 1 left | 1 left | 1 left | 1 left |
Byline | Under picture logo, contact me icons and links | Fixed left | 1 left | 1 left | 1 left | 1 left |
TitlePane | Page Title | 2 center | 2 center | 2 center | 2 center | 2 center |
Flags | Translations of this page | 3 center | 3 center | 3 center | 3 center | 3 center |
Perm | | 4 right | 4 right | 4 right | 4 right | 4 right |
Intro | Page Title and Intro | 5 center | 5 center | 5 center | 5 center | 5 center |
- | Related topics elsewhere on this website | - | - | - | - | - |
- | Topics this page | Fixed left | - | - | - | - |
- | Google Custom Search bar | - | - | - | - | - |
sidead | Ads | Float on right | Float on right | in-line | in-line | in-line |
sidenote | Additional notes | Float on right | Float on right | in-line | in-line | in-line |
Footer | Rating, Email form | Fixed bottom | - | - | - | - |
See how a site looks
on several screens at once or
for specific screens/devices
Resizer Safari Extension adds a button to Safari toolbars for resizing browser windows, cycling through 10 user configurable window settings
(that can be named and enabled/disabled).
Now that enough people use browsers supporting HTML 4.0 and 5:
h5bp uses this code to grab the jQuery library from Google CDN. To fall back to local if offline, a protocol relative URL is used:
TODO: Add what the h5bp build script recommends after it creates these scripts, concatenated and minified:
The Javascript requested by the BODY onload ...
The Javascript to invoke setUserOptions() at the bottom of the page is executed after the page loads. This is why the screen contrast and font change buttons at the top of the page appears a few seconds after the page appears loaded.
To reduce the number of graphics files downloaded,
CSS sprites are used.
Various image files (in a zip) are combined into a single png file using
CSS Sprite Generator on-line, which also compresses the image using OptiPNG.
Microsoft had included Macromedia in their list of add-ons.
A Scroll to Top icon/link is provided for those who jumped the gun too soon.
To separate content from the footer, the footer uses a dark background color and white font.
To save web pages for reading later on iPad, iPad, Amazon Kindle, etc. save the URL to
The version in it is not the code provided in the Google Analytics Asynchronous Tracking Guide™, but the one Mathias Bynens made run faster after reducing it to 276 bytes:
window.resizeTo only work in IE, Safari, and Firefox browsers.They do not work in Chrome or Opera browsers.
This script makes scrolling slower (less jarring) than jumping to a link, so viewers know it's on the same page.
Instead of using an additional JavaScript file from jQuery plug-in guru Ariel Flesler, this uses raw reference to jQuery's animate function:
$(document).ready(function(){ $('a.scrollToTopic1').click(function(){ $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: $(document).height()}, 'slow'); return false; }); })