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Permalink Android App Localization

Here is a compact yet deep technical step-by-step guide on wisdom about how to best localize Android mobile apps on smartphones and tablets, all in one page with clickable flowcharts, wise tips, but without the sales hype and confusing generalities.

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NEWS: DroidNews and Eurodroid for non-America Android news (in English).

Set screen Changing Locale on Device

Set screen Android Locales (Languages and Countries) Explicitly Supported by Android

Set screen Codes by Country

Set screen Dialing Codes by Country

Set screen Localization

Set screen Folder with Language Qualifiers

WEBSITE: Android Localization Tutorial provides sample source code that has been localized:

DOWNLOAD: Sample Android app.

DOWNLOAD: Sample iPhone app.

This video describes the text below TIP: Within YouTube, click the red "CC" icon and "Translate Captions", then click on "English (Transcribed)" to your language, such as "Spanish".

Set screen Separate concerns between the XML layout and the content of text

Set screen Translation Best Practices

Set screen I18N = Internationalization Coding for Localization