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| The Periods of History:
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![]() Gelogic Time:
Calcolitic |
Pre (Virtual) History B.C./B.C.E. (Before Christ / Before the Common Era)3.8-4 million BC ? First bipedal human in Ethiopia 500,000 BCE ? Peking Man, Java Man Dinosaurs lived in the Mesozoic era 35,000 Upper Paleolithic Period, when first humans are believed to arrive in North America and Asia. 15,000 Wall paintings made in caves at Lascaux, France and Altamira, Spain. Nephilim (Genesis 6:4-6) 5762 - the Year of creation according to Alan D. Corré. 5176(+/-26) - the Year of creation as estimated by Gerald E. Aardsma [October 23, 4004] is Date of Creation according to "Annals of the World" (1600 pages in Latin) by Irish Archbishop James Ussher (1581-1656) No date? Earth's moon created when planet Rahab, located between Mars and Jupiter, destroyed into the Asteroid Belt? (Job 26:11-14, Psalm 89:9-14, Isaiah 51:9-16) ? [4043] Adam created by God (Gen 2) ? [4003] Adam & Eve expelled from Garden of Eden (Gen 3) No date Enoch translated (midway between Adam & Abraham)
| NOTE: The chronology of specific dates has been the subject of much debate among various scholars over the years. Astronomer Barry Setterfield of Australia theorizes that because the speed of light is decreasing geometrically,millions of years could have gone by in our current perception of time. The Bible speaks of this:
But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day"
Psalm 90:4 (NKJ) Bishop Usser defined a timeline based on clues within the Bible. Martin Anstey's 1913 "Romance of Bible Chronology". Edwin R. Thiele, in his The Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings (Academie Books, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, 1983) further untangled the chronology of the monarchic period. The stand-off between Biblical and archeological discoveries in Egypt and other countries surrounding Isreal was resolved in 1990 by physicist Gerald E. Aardsma in A New Approach to the Chronology of Biblical History from Abraham to Samuel It concludes that the "480 years" in (1 Kings 6:1) contradicts with Acts 13:19-20 and archealogical records because of an early (rare, homeoarkton) copy error of "1480" years. (Similar to an issue with the transalation of Samuel 13:1) Additional information: Creation Research Society and Creation Science and other Creationism sites that bend time | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Egyptian pharoah Phiops II subjegates Isrealistes. Moses rescued from the Nile [not by Egyptian princess Hatshepsut 1503-1482] 2447(+/-12) (1480 years after the Promise was given Abram, per modern reading of 1Kings 6:1) in the jubilee of jubilees (50 x 50 years or 2500 years after the fall of Adam) Moses leads Exodus from Egypt (Exodus 14:23,27-30). The 6th Dynasty of Egypt's Old Kingdom under Pharoah Merenre Antyemsaf II (Greek name Niocris) collapses (putting Egypt into Dynasty 7 of the First Intermediate period), by parting and closing of the Yam suth (modern day Lak Yahablah - the Red Sea). Ten commandments given apodictic Normative, the beginning of Judaism) 2407 Hebrews (under Joshua, without Moses) enter Canaan, destroying Jericho and Ai (confirmed by radiocarbon dating of et-Tell digs found in 1934 by Marquet-Krause). Hebrew occupation ends the Early Broze III period of Palestine. | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
2350 Akkadian kingdom in Mesopotamia established by Sargon lasts 146 years by descendants Rimush, Manishtusu, Naram-Sin, and Shar-kali-sharri. one of them is the Cushan-rishathaim, the first oppessor of Isreal, later delivered by judge Othniel (Judges 3:10) 2205-1765 Hsia dynasty in China. [not 1375] Judges rule: Othniel, Ehud, Deborah, Gideon, 1977-1957 [not 1075] Samson in Gaza, the last judge in the book of Judges. Ruth & Boaz (=by his counsel) ? Elijah translated (midway between Abraham & Christ) (800 year) Biblically quiet period of more Judges of Isreal 1775 casuistic (case) law Code established by Hammurabi (1792/1728-1686), the Amotittian ruler of Babylonia. 1766-1121 Shang Dynasty in China is known for its use of acupuncture, elaborate bronze ritual vessels, oracle bones to determine the future, and the earliest standardized form of Chinese characters ![]() 1628 Volcano erupts in Thesus (modern day Satorini, Greece) destroys the Minoan civilization on the island of Crete, an art-loving culture Homer calls Atlantis. 1590 Kassites take power in Mesopotamia and Palestine. 1550(+/-15) Egypt begins New Kingdom period Dynasty 18. 1500 Hinduism begins in India. [1525] Moses saved by princess Nefure, only child of Tutmoses I (Exodus 2:1-10), and lives in the palace as Senmut. Nefure becomes Queen Hapsepsut with half-brother Tusmoses II after Moses refused it. 1458 Tuthmosis III (1516-1426) seiges Meggiddo (among 350 cities) during his 1504-1450 reign of Egypt's 18th dynasty. [1445/7-1336] Early date for the Exodus, when Tutmoses IV (Amenhotep III) ruled Egypt. Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) and wife Nefertiti changes to monotheistic worship of Aten (in place of Amen) and moves capital from Thebes to El-Amarna. Oct. 25, 1404 Mars passes Earth 70,000 miles away, causing a 5 degree Polar shift and days on Earth from 360 to 365.5. 1300 Temple of Abu Simbel built in Nubia for Rameses II. 1236 - 1203 Merneptah's campaigns into Palestine. 1200 Trojan War between Greeks and Trojans, as described in Homer's Illiad. 1200-1000 Rig Vedas composed in India 1198 - 1153 Rameses III campaigns into Palestine. 1191 Zen Buddhism introduced to Japan by Chinese monk Eisai 1185 Samurai wrest power from aristocracy in Japan 1122-225 Chou dynasties reign in China 1070(+/-15) Egypt begins Third Intermediate period Dynasty 21. 1051(+/-16) Samuel born, ending age of Judges. |
Nebuchadnezzar's dream in
Daniel 2 and
Revelation 17:10 (7 kings, 5 have fallen)
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1051(+/-16) Saul unites kingdom of Isreal and begins to reign in the Biblical age of Monarchy. 1103 BC Brutus (decendent of "low-tree" Zarah who ruled Egypt as son of Joseph, per prophecy in Ezekiel 17:22-24 and 21:25-27) estabishes New Troy in Britain (later to be renamed London). 980 (within 40 year rule 1010-970) David king (Psalms, 1st Chronicles) establishes Jerusalem 965 Solomon begins building the temple 940 Solomon king with 700 wives (Songs, Proverbs, 2nd Chronicles, 1 Kings) 947 First temple built by Solomon consecrated on 10th Jubilee ( I Kings 9:1-3) 925/900 Jeroboam 10 tribes split to North from Rehoboam Omri's son Ahab & Jezebel hunt Elijah to Mt. Carmel ( I Kings 18) 871 [RC14 dating at Tel Rehov says not 925] Shishak invasion in year 39 of Solomon/Year 5 of Rehoboam 880 Asa king of Southern Kingdom of Judah; Joehoshaphat, 7 yr. old Joash 842 Elijah outs Ahab and Jezebel for their worship of false gods 814 Jeroboam II king of Israel after Yahwist Jehu coup 800-600 Upanishads composed in India 785? Amittai Jonah (=Dove) prophet to Assyrian Ninevah (Greek Ionas) Matt 12:38) 776 Greeks hold first Olympics in town of Olympia — the first year of the Greek Calendar. Northern Prophets: 760-750 Amos, 753 Hosea (harlot wife Gomer) 753 Foundation of Rome. Southern Jotham & Ahaz & Hezekiah: 742 Micah, 740-681 Isaiah 730 Sparta conquers Messene. 722 Ten Northern tribes of Israel taken as slaves to Assyra by Shalmaneser on 9th of Az 710 Hezekiah (715-686) repels Sennacerib (the death angel) from Jerusalem 753 year 1 AUC (Ab Urbe Condita, meaning "from the foundation of Rome") on the "Kalends of March" (March 1st) 722 Samarian Isreal falls to the Assyrians. 701 calendars adjusted (for planetary ressonance with Mars?) 697 Manasseh bad king of Judah (2 Kgs 21 & 2 Chron. 33) 669 Babylon destroyed by Assyrians. 660 Shinto religion defined in Japan during rein of Jimmu, first Japanese emperor. 640 Zephaniah prophet, 635 Xephaniah, 626 Jeremiah, 620 Nahum, 612 Habakkuk 630-550 Life of Zoroaster 621 Josiah (640-609 son Amon) discovers the Law Book of Deuteronomy in the Temple and begins monoatheistic practice 621 The Laws of Dracon become the first written laws of Athens, Greece. The adjective "draconian" describes its harshness. "We need the death penalty to prevent small crimes, and for bigger ones I can't think of any greater punishment." 614 Fall of Assyria. 608-597 Jehoiakim, 597 Ezekiel captive, 593-571 Ezekiel prophesizes 605 Jehoachin/Jeconiah & Zedekiah exiled, Daniel captured by Medes & Persians. 604-562 Nebuchadnezzar II rules Neo-Babylonian (Chaldean) Empire and builds the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the "Seven Wonders of the Ancient World". 600 Taoism religion defined in China by Lao-Tse (604-531) writing Tao-te-Ching ("The Way of Power") which describes the nature of life, the way to peace and how a ruler should lead his life. 598 First Babylonian conquest of Jerusalem 594 Solon establishes a constitutional democracy in Athens, and wipes out all debts. 586/587 on 9th of Az (Ezekiel 12:10-17) Nebuchadnezzer destroys Soloman's temple in Jerusalem during his 2nd Babylonian conquest. This date is an anchor for chronologies. 583 BC Jeremiah (with Baruch) marries Tea Tephi, a daughter of King Zedekiah, to Eochaidh II (Eremhon), High Zarahite King of Ireland. This exalts the Zarah line from which all the kings and queens of Britain and northwest Europe descend. 563-483? Siddhartha Gautama, founder of Buddhism (later enlighten to Buddha), born in Napal. 561 Pisistratus, leader of the poor, becomes the tyrant of Athens. 560 Lao-Tze writes his philosophy. 551-479 Confucious writes fortune cookie sayings in China ![]() 550 King Cyrus II of Persia founds Persian empire. 539 Mesopotamian region conquered by Daniel 8:25 fulfills Isaiah 44:28) under Belshazzar. 520 Cyrus allows Isreal to return from Babylonian Exile (Ezra). 512 Second Temple of Isreal finished. 510 Cleisthenes, with exiled Athenian nobles and an army from Sparta, liberates Athenians from Pisistratus and his sons. 505 Democracy established in Athens. 477 Athens assumes leadership of the Delian League alliance of the city-states and islands of Greece against the Persians. 464 Earthquake in Sparta; helots revolt. 458 On the 20th Jubilee, 7th year into the reign of Artaxerxes Longimanus decree allows Ezra to leave Babylon to rebuild Jerusalem. This starts the 490 (70x7) prophasy in Daniel 9:25 to Jesus' death on 1 Nisan (Friday April 15) AD 33. 434 Dedication of the wall of Jerusalem by Ezra and Nehemiah (Nehemiah 12:27) 434 [not 490] Battle of Marathon, (coast of Attica) Greece won by Athenians after Persian king Darius I is killed by a Greek beauty. 424 [not 480] Xerxes ( aka Artaxerxes, son of Darius) destroys an empty Athens after overcoming the heroric 300 Spartans at the Battle of Thermopylae. Xerxes leaves the war to Mardonius after defeat by the more nimble Greek navy at the Battle of Salamis. 425 [not 479] Persians under Mardonius are defeated by allied Greeks at the Battle of Plataea. 428 (Esther saves her people (celebrated in Jewish Purim festivals). 403- [according to Thucycides] Sparta defeats Athens in the 27 year Peloponnesian War. | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
753 Romulus & Remus (Castor & Pollux) saved by wolves, start of Roman Anno Urbis (ab urbe condita) calendar.
630 Egyptians ransack the Temple 606 Babylon captures Jerusalem, the beginning of “times of the Gentiles” ![]() 604 Lao-tzu, founder of Taoism, born in China. 410-322 Age of Socrates (the first to recognize a one true, but unknown, G-d), Plato, and Aristotle in Greece 403 Start of "Waring States" period in China. 356 Alexander born to Phillip II of Macedonia, tutored by Aristotle (384-322) 338 Philip II of Macedonia conquers other Greek city-states in Battle of Chaeronea. 335 Alexander begins conquest of the known world with Thebes. 334 Battle of Granicus 333 At the Battle of Issus, Alexander defeats the army of Persia to control the western Persian empire. 332 (at age 24) Alexander the Great capture of Tyre fulfills Ezekiel 26:12,4-5,14 331 Alexander defeats Persian King Darius II in the Battle of Gaugamela (Arbela), Persia (modern day Iraq) which establishes Greece as the world power. 326 Alexander's invasion of India ends after the Battle of the Hydaspes. 323 Alexander dies in Babylon, Greek general Ptolemy rule Egypt & Palestine during the Hellenistic age. 322 Chandragupta founds Mauryan Empire in India. 312 Greek Seleucid dynasty reigns in Mesopotamia, with Seleucia as capital, infusing Hellenistic culture. 304 Egypt becomes independent under Roman general Ptolemy I. 301 Alexander's successors fight at the Battle of Ipsus. 290 Foundation of library at Alexandria, Egypt. 285-270 Hebrew Bible translated into Alexandrian Greek Septuagint (=70=LXX in Roman numeral) 206BC-219AD The Han dynasty (named after a tributary of the Yangtsz river) begin 400 year reign in an empire similar in size and power to that of the Roman Empire. (Korea and Japan still call Chinese glyphs “Han”) 281-275 Pyrrhus fights in Italy and Sicily. 264-146 Punic Wars between Rome and Carthage. 264-241 Rome wins control of Sicily from Carthagians under Hannibal in First Punic War. 262 Mauryan emperor Asoka becomes a Buddhist and sets up stupas containing a part of the Buddha's body. 245 Agis attempts reform in Sparta. 241 Agis is executed by the rich of Sparta. 221 Qin Shi Huangdi unites China and becomes its first emperor. 222 Royal lines of Sparta ends. 218-202 Roman general Scipio wins Second Punic Wars against Hannibal. 214 Great Wall of China begins construction. 202 China reunited under Han dynasty. 198 Syrian Seleucid Antichus III rules. 197 Rome defeats Macedonia. 192-188 War between the Seleucids and the Romans. 168 Greece ends its dominance to Rome (two feet in Rev.). 167 Syrian Antiochus Epiphanes IV defiles temple with pig & statue of Zeus (Daniel 8: 9-12) 164 (168-165) Judas Maccabee revolt, Hanukkah begins priestly Hasmonean dynasty 149-6 Rome destroys Carthage in Third Punic Wars. 146 Rome obliterates Corinth. All Greece becomes conquered territory. 129 Jerusalem becomes an independent Jewish capital 112-106 Rome destroys Juguertia, King of Numidia 112 "Silk Road" opens from China to the West. 111 Han annexes North Vietnam. 100 Anasazi, Hohokam, and Mogollon people populate Southwestern North America. 100 BCE-250AD Yayoi (metal) period in Japan 84 Rome (Agricola) repeled by Scottish tribes in Battle of Mons Graupius. 74 Julius Caesar defeats Pharnakes, king of Pontus (now northeastern Turkey), son of Mithridates 73-71 Revolt of slave Spartacus vs. Rome 64 Roman general Pompey conquers Syria. 63 Roman general Pompey renames Judea & Palestine after subjecting them. 59 Julius Caesar named consul (highest rank) by the Roman Senate, begins to conquer Gaul and Britain. 53 Parthians prevent further eastward expansion of Romans. Jan. 10, 49 Julius Caesar crosses the Rubicon from Gaul into Italy with his army to establish himself as a dictator over Pompey and the Roman nobility. 48 Julius Caesar defeats Pompey in the Battle of Pharsalus 46 BC, called the "Year of Confusion" because it consisted of 445 days due to an intercalary month being inserted to get public Roman feasts back to the correct seasons. This calendar change also moved the first day of the year from March 15 (the "Ides of March") when new Roman consuls take office (see Shakespear's Julius Ceasar). 45 Julian calendar of 12 months and 365.25 days per year (with a leap year every 4 years) instituted by Roman Julius Ceasar. 40 Jimmu Tenno, first emperor of Japan 15 (Ides of) March, 44 Assassination of Julius Caesar by Brutus marks the end of the Roman Republic See Shakespeare's play. 37 Herod the Great, ruling under Roman authority, builds 2nd Temple 31 Octavius defeats Mark Anthony and Cleopatra of Egypt, ending Roman civil wars at the Battle of Actium, Greece. 27 Octavius (Julius Ceasar's adopted son) is renamed Augustus Ceasar and replaces Republic. 19 Herod finishes construction on Temple in Jerusalem. 14 Augustus deified by the Roman Senate--the first Roman ruler to be worshipped as a son of a god (divi filius) 4 Death of Herod the Great, Rome-appointed ruler of Judea, Samaria, Galilee, and surrounding territories. His son, Herod Antipas, took lands north of the Galilee and east of the Jordan River. Phillip took the areas east of the Sea of Galilee (the area now called the Golan Heights). Third son, Archelaeus, took the central portion which includes Jerusalem. ![]() __ Pontius Pilot comes from Rome to be a military "Prefect" over Judea. __ John the Baptist born (Isaiah 40:3 & Malachi 3:1) __ Mary conceives after the Annunciation __ Mary stays at counsin Zacharia & Elizabeth | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
6-7 AM Tishri 15 (Sep. 11, 3BC) or Tishri 1 (Sep. 8, 5BC) during the Feast of Trumpets, the first/former rain) Jesus, the Christ (the basis of Christianity) is born in Bethlehem (while flocks are in pasture). Sep. 11, 3 BC (Tishri 1) wise men, guided by a star, bring gifts fit for a king to the King of the Jews when he was about two years old. (4,000 years from Adam's Fall) 27/28 Jesus rides into Jerusalem (on a donkey) as Messiah the prince (the First Advent), as predicted, but not recognized by people at the time. April 6, 29/30 AD (Nizon 13) Christ crucified ("cut off") as Passover (Pesach) lambs were slain. (Nisan 16) Ressurection (Easter) on the Feast of Unleavened Bread
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9 AM, (Sivan 6) 30/33 AD
Pentecost , birth of the
Body of Christ, the Church, indwelt by the
![]() 17-24 AD/CE Tacfarinas leads African Numidians in revolt against Romans. 35-36 AD/CE Saul of Tarsus, a Jew, comes to believe in Jesus as the Messiah and subsequently becomes the apostle Paul 42 Mark Anthony defeats Caius in Battle of Phillipi. 43 Romans invade Britain. 45 Julius Ceasar introduces the 12 month Julian calendar with leap years on advice of Alexandrian astronomer Sosigenes. 48/49 Council at Jerusalem with bishop James (the helf-brother of Jesus) ( Acts 15:28 ![]() 50 Paul leaves Antioch to begin his Aegean Mission. His letters to these congregations are the earliest documents in the New Testament. 50-52 Paul's visits Corinth for the first time and writes his first letter to the Thessalonians ![]() 50 jew Philo writes 52 Paul visits Ephesus and he writes a letter to the Galatians ![]() ![]() 54-55 While imprisoned in Ephesus, Paul completes a second letter to the Corinthians ![]() ![]() ![]() 56 First church Council - formed the Apostle's Creed 57 Paul's 3rd mission to Macedonia ( Acts 22:17-21, 23:11) 58-60 Paul is imprisoned in Rome. 61-63 Roman forces move into Sudan. 64 Nero Claudius Ceasar (Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus) persecutes Christians after Fire of Rome. Some believe he is the "beast" ![]() 64 (60-68) Peter martyred in Rome under Nero. 68 (60-65) Paul martyred in Rome under Nero. 69-79 Roman emporor Vespasian reigns. 70 (on 9th Av) Temple destroyed by Roman general Titus (eldest son of Vespasian) -- as predicted by Daniel 9:26 "The people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary") and Luke 21:24,27 70 Council at Jamnia codifies canon (books) of the Hebrew Bible. 100 Buddhism Spreads to China - 4th Council precipitates split of Theravada (hinayana) and Mahayana traditions. 70-100 Gospels of Mark, Matthew, and Luke written. 79 In Southern Italy, Mount Vesuvius erupts and destroys the town of Pompeii. 79-81 Reign of Titus. 81-96 Reign of the emperor Domitian (Vespasian's younger son and the object of the anti-Roman attack in the Book of Revelation). 85 "Curse against Heretics" (Birkath ha-minim) added to Jewish synagogue benedictions, with the intent of excluding Christians. 90 Council of Jamnia produces Jewish scriptures in Greek. 94 (37-100) jew Flavius Josephus publishes Antiquities of the Jews 96 (90-110) John, the last apostle alive, pens Book of Revelation (Greek word apocalypse which means disclosure, appearing, coming, uncovering, unveiling, and revealing) and dies in exile on the island of Patmos (Greek word for "mortal"). 96-98 Roman emperor Nerva reigns. 98-117 Roman Emperor Trajan reigns. In Dante's Divine Comedy, Trajan is the only emperor allowed into heaven. He is so celebrated that all other Roman emperors are honored by the Roman Senate with felicior Augusto, melior Traiano ("may he be more fortunate than Augustus and better than Trajan."). | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Smyrna in |
107-117 Ignatius (bishop of Antioch) is martyred.
117-138 Roman emperor Hadrian reigns. 112 Cornelius Tacitus, Pliny the Younger writes about Jesus. 120 Suetonicus writes about Jesus in Life of Claudius 132-135 Second Jewish revolt (the "Bar Cochba" revolt) against Rome. 136 Second Roman (Hadrian) conquest of Jerusalem. ~150 Justin Martyr (100-165) writes First Apology and Dialogue With Trypho defending Christianity as a "philosophy" worthy of the respect of the educated and as the only legitimate heir to the Israelite scriptures. Irenaeus writes Against Heresies 119 Tertullian writes oldest Christian works in Latin 150 Invention of triangular lateen sails allow Mediterranean ships to tack into the wind. 156? Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna and younger colleague and admirer of Ignatius of Antioch, martyred. 161-180 Ceasar Aurelius persecutes and executes Christians. 185-254 Origen, early church scholar, writes Against Celsus and De Principiis 200-258 Novation caused split in Rome over what to do with Christians who avoided persecution. 220 Jewish Mishnah (commentary on the Bible) completed 200 Indian epics of Rmayana and Mahabharata composed. Creation of Hindu scripture Bhagavad Gita. 224 Sassanids come to power in Persia. 249-251 Persecution of the church by Decius. 265-420 The Qin (Ch'in) dynasty unifies China and standardizes currency, weights, and measures. 251-356 Antony of Egypt, founder of monasticism, becomes the earliest hermit monk. 258 Bishop Cyprian, Catholic theologian, martyred 293 Diocletian divides Roman Empire in two. 303 Severe persecution of the church by Roman emperor Diocletian. 304 Invasion of Huns divide China. October 27, 312 Battle of Rome's Milvain Bridge leads to succession of Constantine to the throne and conversion to Christianity. 320 Chandragupta I founds Gupta Empire in Northern India. 320 Pachomius, a hermit, starts communal monasticism. (260-340) Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea, writes geography 372 Buddhism in Pyonyang, Korea Athanasius (293-373), Bishop in Egypt, defends Christian Orthodoxy against Arianism. On the Incarnation 391 First Japanese invasion of Korea. 420-589 Six Dynasties in China. | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
324 Constantine's Edict of Milan ends Roman persecution with toleration of Christians. Flavius Theodosius (January 11, 347-January 17, 395) after reunited East and west fractions of the Roman empire as the last emperor of all Rome, declared Christianity the official state religion of the Roman Empire. 325 Lactantius tutors the son of Constantine. 325 Nicea Council issues Nicean Creed adopted 381 330 Constantine (280-337) establishes Roman capital in Byzantium (modern Istanbul, Turkey) 335 Queen Helena builds Church of the Holy Sepulcher 336 Catholic Church Council of Laodicea shifts services (Mark 7:7-9,13) to Sunday from Saturday (Ezekiel 8:14-16) 358/359 Patriarch Hillel II implements the modern Jewish Calendar (with disagreement about the proper years for intercalation and the initial epoch). 378 Goths (Germanic tribes) defeat Romans in Adrianople, Turkey. (389-461) Patrick, a missionary to Ireland, encouraged asceticism. 391-2 Pagan worship (including the Olympics) outlawed throughout Roman empire. 395 The will of Theodosius I officially splits Roman Empire into Eastern and Western legs. 397 Council of Carthage defines Canon of 27 NT books; Jerusalem Talmud 382-405 Jerome completes Latin Vulgate (common) Bible in Jerusalem 399-414 Fa Hsien travels to India to recover Vinaya 401 Introduction of writing (kanji) to Japan 410 Rome sacked by Visigoths from the North 451 The 4th Council at Chalcedon clarifies orthodox Christology -
476 Romulus Augustulus, the last Roman emperor, is overthrow. Apostles are scattered (Acts 8:1) 491 Armenian church founded. 520 Guptas of India invent the decimal system.
604 Prince Shotoku establishes rule of law in Japan | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
614 Persians massacre jews in Jerusalem
610-June 7 During his annual monthly retreat within a desert cave on Mount Hira in Arabia, prophet Mohammed (PBUH), a camel driver from the Quraysh tribe asked to recite the Qur'an (recitation) from Jibril (the angel Gabriel). This is remembered during the 9th month each year with day-time fasting during Ramadan. 617?618-906 T'ang dynasty in China July 16, 622 Muhammad (PBUH) and his followers start a 200 mile Hijrah (migration) from Mecca/Makkah to Madina (Saudi Arabia), an event marked as the first day of each Islamic new year 627 Byzantine Emperor Heracles defeats the Persian army.
632 Muhammad PBUH dies in Mecca, and ascends to Mi'raj (heaven) from the temple mount.
His father-in-law, Abu Bakr, is elected by Sunni tribal leaders as the Rightly-Guided caliph (successor).
665 Muslims conquer Arabs in the Battle of Basra.
664 Synod of Whitby - Roman Church authority (based on lineage from St. Peter) chosen over Ionian Celtic traditions (for Easter) by Northumbrian King Oswy.
700 Masorites divide Tanache (Old Testament) into chapters
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868 The first printed book, the Diamond Sutra, is made in China using wood blocks.
878 Egyptian Ign Tulum rules 907-960 Five dynasties and Ten Kingdoms in China 925 Shisak of Egypt destroys Jerusalem 960-1129 Northern/Southern Sung dynasties in China 939 Chinese rule in Vietnam ends 960 Founding of Sung Dynasty in China 962 Coronation by Pope of Otto I as Emporor of the Roman Empire. 969 Descendents of Fatimid (a daughter of Mohammed) conquer Jerusalem from Cairo and North Africa. 982 Viking warrior Erik the Red settles Greenland. 1003 Leif Eriksson (son of Erik the Red) sails down North America and names it "Vinland." In Dalmatia (Yugolavia) Croats use Roman alphabet, Serbs loyal
to Eastern Constantinople church use Cyrillic alphabet invented by missionary brothers Cyril and Methodius.
1304-1374 The first "humanist," Francesco Petrarca, born to become a poet and "father of the
Renaissance | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
1429 French heroine Joan of Arc lifts English seige of Orleans, France. 1448 Russians under Jonas become autosepholis - self governing religiously. 1453 Turks capture Constantinople (now Turkai) to end the Byzantine empire. 1455-1485 30-year War of the Roses between Houses of York and Lancaster for the English throne. 1456 Gutenberg produces German Bibles using movable type 1462 Grand prince Ivan, in marrying Sophia, niece of Constantine, unites church and state. 1469 Sikhism (monotheistic non-ceremonial) religion formed by Guru Nanek in India. 1492 Sulan Muhammad XI surrenders Muslim rule in Spain to Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile. 1492 Columbus sails the ocean blue while Sephardic Jews are expelled from Spain (on Tisha B'Av), and Mulims flee to Berber Morocco, North Africa. 1497 John Cabot explores the coast of Newfoundland. 1497 Vasco da Gama voyages around the Cape of Good Hope for a sea route to India. 1499 Amerigo Vespucci locates mouth of the River Amazon. 1512 Michelangelo completes Sistine Chapel frescoes in the Vatican Palace of Pope Julius II (1443-1513), who reigned from 1503 to 1513.
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Philadelphia in |
Israel ben Eliezer (1700-1760) the Ba'al Shem Tov (Master of the Good Name) Hasidism from the Ukraine
1704 British Duke of Marlborough limits French power in Battle of Blenheim, Germany. 1709 Peter the Great of Russia defeat Swedes under Charles XII to control the Baltic Sea in the Battle of Poltava, Ukraine. (1703-1791) John and Charles Wesley (author of Easter hymn ![]() 1734-1770 Great Awakening led by Jonathan Edwards from Boston, MA. On 8 July 1741 delivers Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God and other other sermons Easter, 1742, Handel's Messiah first performed in Dublin, Ireland. 1752 England and the American colonies had 354 days becuase of a calendar change lost 11 days. 1756-1763 England and Prussia wins Seven Years War against Austria and France over control of Germany. 1759 Britain gains control of Canada in the Battle of Quebec. April 1, 1775 "Boston Tea Party" rebellion for British Stamp Act under King George III. April 19, 1775 the first shot of the American Revolutionary War begins after Paul Revere rides from Boston toward Lexington and Concord, shouting "the Regulars" (English army, 700 strong) are coming. Over a 1,000 militia poured onto the Battle Road killed over 270 British soldiers vs. 95 colonists. July 2, 1776 Declaration of Independence from Britain is signed by 2nd Continental Congress meeting since May in Philadelphia. July 4, 1776 Declaration of Independence is read from the Old State House in Boston. October 17, 1777 British Gen. Burgoyne surrenders 5,800 men to Americans after the Battle of Saratoga, New York. This turning point convinced the French of U.S. strength. October 19, 1781 Cornwallis, trapped on the Yorktown, Virginia peninsula, surrends to George Washington's American and French forces in this final victory over Britain. November 30, 1782 Articles of Peace officially frees America from England. See Liberty! (the PBS series) 1788 William Carey starts the India Missionary movement. 1788 The Constitution of the United States is ratified by the states with the Bill of Rights. 1793 William Carey goes to India as a missionary from England. Besides building schools and hospitals, he translates and prints portions of the Bible in 45 languages and dialects of India. 1792-1815 Napoleonic Wars are fought by Napoleon's France against Austria, Britain, Russia, Prussia, and Sweden. 1798 Nepolean's general enters Rome to depose pope (Rev. 13:15, 17:10), ending 42 months=years (Ezekiel 4:6) of papal supremecy. 1797 Napoleon conquers Venice 1805 Unitarians take over Harvard University board 1805 British admiral Nelson destroys French and Spanish fleet in battle of Trafalgar (South of Spain). Feb. 23 1807 Wm. Wilberforce gets Brit. Parliament to abolish slave trade. 1806 Frances II renounces the title of Roman Empire. 1808 importation of slaves from other countries banned by U.S. Congress 1821-1829 Greek War of Independence from Turkey. June 18, 1815 Napoleon defeated by British Duke Wellington at Waterloo, Belgium. ;) 1821 Charles Finney (1792-1875) conducts evangelist campaigns through New England before pastoring Oberlin, Ohio. 1825-1830 Java War of Indonesians against Dutch. 1830 Mormon church is organized by Joseph Smith at Nauvoo, Illinois. 1839 The first baseball game is played in Cooperstown, NY. Phtography invented. 1839-1842 Opium War in China results in Britain taking Hong Kong and Portugal taking Macao. 1840 Horace Mann establishes Unitarian public school in Massachusetts. 1841 Dr. David Livingstone (1813-1873) evangelizes southern Africa 1844 The Turkish Empire's Edict of Toleration allow Jews to live in their original homeland. |
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May 23, 1844 (Islamic year 1260) young Persian Mirza Ali Muhammad (later executed July 1850),
declares himself the promised Qa'im of Shi'ah Islam and
assumes the title of The Báb (Gate) and initiates the unifying
Baha'i faith.
1844 Brigham Young becomes president of the 'Quorum of Twelve Apostles' after Smith is killed by a mob. 1845-6 fungus on potato from America (and British rule) creates famine in Ireland. 1846-1848 Mexican-American War. June 19, 1846 first baseball game played at Elysian Fields in Hoboken, New Jersey 1848 Karl Marx and Frederick Engels publish the Communist Manifesto in London 1848 Gold discovered at Sutter's Mill (Sacramento, CA) 1850 U.S. Congress passed the Fugitive Slave Law. The Underground Railroad is formed in response. 1853-1856 Crimean War in the Black Sea. Turkey, Britain, France, and Sardinia fight Russia. 1853 American Admiral Matthew Perry's black ships (kunefune) enter forbidden Tokyo Bay to demand terms. Feb. 1854 Perry returns to demand regulated trade with Japan 1858 The 15th shogunate steps down in Japan. Jan 1, 1859 - First Modified Julian Date ![]() 1859 Darwin publishes The Origin of Species with forward by Karl Marx Apr. 12, 1861 Charleston's Fort Sumter in S.C. starts the American Civil War. October 24, 1861 Western Union completes the transcontinental telegraph service July 21, 1861 Confederates under Irvin McDowell lose at the first Battle of Bull Run. September 17, 1862 Battle of Antietam, Maryland is the bloodiest one-day fight during the Civil War, with more than 20,000 men killed, wounded, or missing. Summer, 1862 The Union's Paninsula Campaign in the Shenandoah Valley and Williamsburg toward Richmond, VA fails. General John Pope is sent West to deal with a Sioux uprising. Ambrose Burnside replaces McClellan and attacks the armies of Robert E. Lee and Thomas Stonewall Jackson at Antietam on 17th September. Sep. 22, 1863 Emancipation Proclamation (of slaves only in rebellious states) issued by Abraham Lincoln. 1862 Constantine von Tischendo/ M 1869rf discovers the Codex Sinaiticus Greek manuscript 1863 Bahá'u'lláh (The Glory of God) whom Bahá'ís follow is announced as the One for Whom The Bab had prepared the way. Nov. 19, 1863 Abe Lincoln delivers Gettysberg Address on the Civil War 1864 “In God We Trust” first appears on US coins. April 14, 1865 Licoln assasinated 1868 Emporor moves from Kyoto (Western capital) to Tokyo (Easter capital) 1869 Meiji Restoration (of the Japanese emperor to power for the first time since the Heian Period) 1870-1871 Franco-Prussian War ends with establishment of Germany. 1886 Dr. J. Pemberton sells his new drink, Coca-Cola, as a “brain tonic”. 1873 Remington company mass-produces in America the first modern typewriter. 1878 Petah Tikvah in Judea and Rosh Pinnah in Galilee are first Jewish villages in Palestine, the planting of modern Israel. 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act bars for 60 years Chinese immigration into the US. 1892 Beginning of Zionist return to Jerusalem 1893 Henry Ford builds his first car (automobile). 1894-5 Japan invades Korea, China in Sino-Japanese War 1895 The Niagara Bible Conference listed five unalterable requirements of belief for a fundamentalist individual or group 1895 Sigmund Freud publishes first work on psychoanalysis, determinism Hudson Taylor evangelizes Inland China 1896 Billy Sunday begins leading revivals in America 1896 Theodor Herzl (1860-1904) becomes the father of political Zionism by publishing Der Judenstaat (The Jewish State), which proposes a Jewish state in Palestine. April, 1896 First modern Olympics held in Athens, Greece with 484 athletes from 13 nations. Feb. 15, 1898 bombing of USS Maine starts Spanish-American War 10 Dec 1898, in the Treaty of Peace in Paris, Spain renounced all rights to Cuba, ceded Puerto Rico and Guam to the US, and gave up its possessions in the West Indies, and sold the Philippine Islands. August 29—31, 1897 First Zionist Congress meets in Basel, Switzerland led by Theodor Herzl 1899-1902 Boer War ends with British control of South Africa. Dec. 17, 1903 Wright brothers of Akron, Ohio fly first motorized bicycle/airpline named "Bird of Prey" at SC. April 18, 1906, 700 San Franciscans die in the deadliest earthquake in North American history. Speaking in tongues initiates the Azusa Street Pentecostal Revival in Los Angeles. 1913 U.S. Federal income tax law passes 1914-18 WWI &“nation against nation", sparked by murder of Ferdinand in Yugoslavia, starts on Tisha B'Av. May 7, 1915 United States enters WW I after the torpedo of passenger ship "Lusitania." 1916 Battle in Somme, France kills 1,265,000 men in less than a week. Jan 17, '17 Virgin Islands becomes a US territory. Dec. 8, 1917 (7 times 360 years or 2520 years punishment of apostate Israel for her unfaithfulness prescribed in Leviticus 26: 24 & 28) British general Lord Allenby enters Jerusalem after the Turks panicked and left Jerusalem without a shot being fired. An Islamic prophecy predicted that the Turks would lose the city when a man of Allah delivered a notice. The Propaganda leaflets dropped on the Turks were signed by Lord Allenby. When the Turks fled, they left behind a letter of surrender which was brought to the Christian General Allenby when he and his officers were praying. 1917 British Balfour Declaration "His Majesty's Government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a National Home for the Jewish people" begins second Jewish Exodus. November 11, 1918 Armistice Day end of World War I when Allied powers signed a cease-fire agreement (truce) with Germany in the Forest of Compiegne at Rethondes, France. Renamed to "Veterans Day" in 1954. 1921 Prohibition in America July, 1925 schoolteacher John Scopes is found guilty of violating the TN Butler bill against teaching evolution in the "Monkey Trial." But as the first American trial to be nationally broadcast on radio, Christian fundamentalism lost ground. 1928 Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin.
Feb. 11, 1928 Dictator Mussolini signs
Lateran Pact to settle the Roman Question by establishing Catholic Vatican as a soverign state within Italy.
(healing the wound).
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