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Reload this page Sample Flight Application

Here are a sample tester notes from planning a test of the sample "Flight" VB4 application provided with Mercury WinRunner


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    Set screen Browser Client Test

      Tests were written to be performed in the sequence presented below:

      Under the Case Name column, "+" denotes "positive" testing of the application's normal processing functionality. "-" denotes "negative" testing of the application's error-handling functionality.

      Under the Transition column, "Entry:" denotes tester actions to trigger the expected result. "Exit:" denotes tester actions exiting from the expected window.

      Case Name Transition Actions Window or object Checks ...
      +InvokeURL Entry: Click IE application Icon on desktop; Enter Address URL: -
      -User Name not found - error message
      +Signin Input User Name: mercury & Password: mercury
      Press OK (alternative is JOJO / bean).
      "Flight Finder" screen (with current date)
      +FindFlightDefaults Click "continue" button. Select Flight screen
      +SelectDefaultFlight Click "Continue" (Acapulco today) "Book a Flight"
      +Purchase Fill in required First/Last Number,
      Credit Card;
      Click "Secure Purchase"
      "Flight Confirmation screen
      +Logout Click "Logout" "Sign-On" screen.
      +Register Form Click "Register" "Register" screen with Contact Information.
      +RegisterSubmit Input UserName & Password (twice) Click "Submit" button for Register Thanks page.
      +Contact Click "Contact" button on top menu row. [404-NOT AVAILABLE]
      +Support Click "Support" button on top menu row. [404-NOT AVAILABLE]
      -Register Thanks From "Flight Reservation" menu, select File, Open order, select 1 (auto created to be less than the current date).
      Process: Click "Update Order" button
      Popup Message: "Valid flight dates must be on or before"?
      +Flight Delete After +Flight Ticketing (above)
      Click "Delete Order" button
      Click "Yes" to confirm delete
      Pop-up window: "Flight Reserveration Message"
      "Update Order" and "Delete Order" buttons not enabled after delete?
      Access database no longer contains deleted entry?
      -Delete perm rec After +Flight Ticketing (above)
      Click "Delete Order" button
      Click OK
      Pop-up window: "Flight Reserveration Message" "Unable to Delete. This is a permanent database record."
      +Report Export Disk File From "Agent Orders Report" above ...
      Click export (briefcase) icon,
      Exit: Click "Cancel" icon
      Entry: Repeat to select various formats (see Export Test Coverage Logic Table)
      From "Destination:" select "Disk File"
      Window: Export
      Format of file exported
      +Mail initiation From "Agent Orders Report" above ...
      Click export (briefcase) icon,
      Exit: Click "Cancel" icon
      Select any Format from the Export Test Coverage Logic Table below.
      Select Destination: "Microsoft Mail (MAPI)"
      Click "OK" for Send Mail dialog

      Input data in fields (From, To, Cc, Subject, Message)
      Click "Send"
      Exit: Click "Cancel" button
      Repeat: Each File Format in the table.
      Repeat: No input in various combinations of fields.
      Window: "Send Mail" dialog
      +Mail Address Book From above ...
      Click "Address" button
      Click "OK"
      Repeat: Click "Cancel"
      Window: Export
      Window: "Address Book" dialog
      +Mail Check Names From above ...
      Click "Check Names" button
      Click "OK"
      Repeat: Click "Cancel"
      Window: Export
      Window: "Address Book" dialog
      +Help About Pull down Help About;
      Exit: Click OK
      Window: "About Flight Reservation System
      +Help Contents Pull down Help Contents (Repeat with clicking Help Contents icon with question mark "?")
      Click "Display"
      Exit: Click Cancel (Repeat with Alt-F4 or clicking "x" in the command bar)
      Window: "Help Topics: Flight Reservation Help Version 1.0"
      Window: "Flight Reservation Help Version 1.0" displayed?
      +Help Contents Search
      +Graph 3D Bar From Flight Reservation window: select menu_item Analysis, Graphs
      Repeat: Click graph button
      Window: Graph a 3D bar? "Agent" for the userid?
      "Total Tickets Sold" count reflect actual database?
      Number of columns reflect actual database?
      Each column height
      +Graph 3D Pie From graph, select menu_item Style "3D Pie Bar Graph" Window: Graph a 3D Pie? -- "Agent" for the userid?
      "Total Tickets Sold" count reflect actual database?
      Number of columns reflect actual database?
      Each column height
      +Graph 2D From graph, select menu_item Style "2D Bar Graph" Window: Graph 2D? -- "Agent" for the userid?
      "Total Tickets Sold" count reflect actual database?
      Number of columns reflect actual database?
      Each column height
      +Graph Exit From graph, select menu_item Exit
      Click Graph button again
      Exit: Click
      Store last selection on re-invocation?

      Set screen VB CLient

        Tests were written to be performed in the sequence presented below: beginning with inititiation and printing; then adding records, faxing; then ending with help and graph functions.

        Under the Case Name column, "+" denotes "positive" testing of the application's normal processing functionality. "-" denotes "negative" testing of the application's error-handling functionality.

        Under the Transition column, "Entry:" denotes tester actions to trigger the expected result. "Exit:" denotes tester actions exiting from the expected window.

        Case Name Transition Actions Window or object Checks ...
        +App Invocation Entry: Click application Icon on desktop; Select from icon added to Start>Programs>Mercury>WinRunner; Select Flight4a.exe from Windows Explorer "VB4.MDB" Access db should be populated with records for today.
        -VB4.MDB not found during invocation Environment: VB4.MDB
        Entry: Click application Icon on desktop; Select from icon added to Start>Programs>Mercury>WinRunner; Select Flight4a.exe from Windows Explorer
        "VB4.MDB not found" pop-up
        +Login Input User Name: mercury & Password: mercury
        Press OK
        Window: Login, Buttons: OK, Cancel
        none (auto after Login) "Logging in..." box momentarily pops up.
        none (auto after Login) Splash screen momentarily using logo10.bmp?
        none (auto after Login) Window: "Flight Reservation"
        Calendar reflects the Current Date?
        observe flight app icon in Windows Start tray?
        Press Alt-Tab for the Windows task pop-up airplane app icon among Windows task icons?
        +Agent Report Print Select menu_item Analysis, Reports (Repeat with clicking report icon)
        Exit: Click "Close" icon (Repeat with Alt-F4 and clicking command bar "X")
        Window: "Agent Orders Report" using agents.rpt Crystal Reports?
        "Agent" name for the userid?
        Access database contents reflected in "Total Tickets Sold" count, Customer Names, Tickets, Price, Total, ORder #, "Total Sales" amount, etc?
        +Open Order Search Select menu_item File, Open Order (Repeat with clicking report icon)
        Click next to Customer Name and type in "Doe" (Repeat with different search criteria combinations)
        Process: Click "OK" button
        Exit: Click "Cancel" (Repeat with Alt-F4 and clicking command bar "X")
        Window: "Open Order" with Customer Name, Flight Date, Order No.
        Window: "Search Results"
        Access database contents reflected in data shown? (Customer, Order, Airline, Flight No.)
        +Flight Table Display & Selection From "Flight Reservation" menu, select File, Open order (repeat by clicking open order icon).
        From window "Flight Reservation" select a "Fly From" city and a "Fly To" city (Repeat with other from/to combinations)
        Click "Flights" button
        Selection: Click one of the flights shown and click "OK" to display (Repeat with "Cancel" or Alt-F4 or clicking command bar "X")
        Window: "Flights Table" with Flight, From airport, Departure, To airport, Airline, Price.
        If OK is pressed, Window: "Order Information" is displayed with item selected?
        Access database contents reflected in flight shown?
        +Ticket existing flight After +Flight Table Display & Selection (above)
        Input a name in the "Name" field (Repeat with all valid characters to the maximum field length)
        Input "2" in the "Tickets" field (Repeat with other valid numeric values)
        Process: Click "Insert Order" button
        Window: "Flight Reservation"
        When If OK is pressed, Window: "Order Information" is displayed with item selected?
        Access database contain new inserted entry?
        "Update Order" and "Delete Order" buttons enabled after insert?
        +Fax Preview After an order is selected in the "Flight Reservation" window, select menu item File, Fax order.
        Click "Preview Fax" button
        Input a fax number into the edit field.
        Input "3" in the "Tickets" field (Repeat trans with other valid numeric values)
        Click "Cancel" button to exit "Fax Preview" window
        Click "Cancel" button to exit "Fax Order No." window
        Window: "Fax Order No."
        Window: "Fax Preview"
        Data from Access database is displayed?
        +New Order initiation From "Flight Reservation" menu, select File, Open order (repeat by clicking open order icon).
        Input a name in the "Name" field (Repeat trans with all valid characters to the maximum field length)
        Input "3" in the "Tickets" field (Repeat trans with other valid numeric values)
        Process: Click "Insert Order" button
        Window: "Flight Reservation"
        When If OK is pressed, Window: "Order Information" is displayed with item selected?
        Access database contain new inserted entry?
        "Update Order" and "Delete Order" buttons enabled after insert?
        -New Order Editing From "Flight Reservation" menu, select File, Open order, select 1 (auto created to be less than the current date).
        Process: Click "Update Order" button
        Popup Message: "Valid flight dates must be on or before"?
        +Flight Delete After +Flight Ticketing (above)
        Click "Delete Order" button
        Click "Yes" to confirm delete
        Pop-up window: "Flight Reserveration Message"
        "Update Order" and "Delete Order" buttons not enabled after delete?
        Access database no longer contains deleted entry?
        -Delete perm rec After +Flight Ticketing (above)
        Click "Delete Order" button
        Click OK
        Pop-up window: "Flight Reserveration Message" "Unable to Delete. This is a permanent database record."
        +Report Export Disk File From "Agent Orders Report" above ...
        Click export (briefcase) icon,
        Exit: Click "Cancel" icon
        Entry: Repeat to select various formats (see Export Test Coverage Logic Table)
        From "Destination:" select "Disk File"
        Window: Export
        Format of file exported
        +Mail initiation From "Agent Orders Report" above ...
        Click export (briefcase) icon,
        Exit: Click "Cancel" icon
        Select any Format from the Export Test Coverage Logic Table below.
        Select Destination: "Microsoft Mail (MAPI)"
        Click "OK" for Send Mail dialog

        Input data in fields (From, To, Cc, Subject, Message)
        Click "Send"
        Exit: Click "Cancel" button
        Repeat: Each File Format in the table.
        Repeat: No input in various combinations of fields.
        Window: "Send Mail" dialog
        +Mail Address Book From above ...
        Click "Address" button
        Click "OK"
        Repeat: Click "Cancel"
        Window: Export
        Window: "Address Book" dialog
        +Mail Check Names From above ...
        Click "Check Names" button
        Click "OK"
        Repeat: Click "Cancel"
        Window: Export
        Window: "Address Book" dialog
        +Help About Pull down Help About;
        Exit: Click OK
        Window: "About Flight Reservation System
        +Help Contents Pull down Help Contents (Repeat with clicking Help Contents icon with question mark "?")
        Click "Display"
        Exit: Click Cancel (Repeat with Alt-F4 or clicking "x" in the command bar)
        Window: "Help Topics: Flight Reservation Help Version 1.0"
        Window: "Flight Reservation Help Version 1.0" displayed?
        +Help Contents Search
        +Graph 3D Bar From Flight Reservation window: select menu_item Analysis, Graphs
        Repeat: Click graph button
        Window: Graph a 3D bar? "Agent" for the userid?
        "Total Tickets Sold" count reflect actual database?
        Number of columns reflect actual database?
        Each column height
        +Graph 3D Pie From graph, select menu_item Style "3D Pie Bar Graph" Window: Graph a 3D Pie? -- "Agent" for the userid?
        "Total Tickets Sold" count reflect actual database?
        Number of columns reflect actual database?
        Each column height
        +Graph 2D From graph, select menu_item Style "2D Bar Graph" Window: Graph 2D? -- "Agent" for the userid?
        "Total Tickets Sold" count reflect actual database?
        Number of columns reflect actual database?
        Each column height
        +Graph Exit From graph, select menu_item Exit
        Click Graph button again
        Exit: Click
        Store last selection on re-invocation?

        Export Test Coverage Logic Table

        Check when done Export Format Window and Variables
        __ Character separated values Window: "Character-separated values",
        Checks: Separator, Quote
        __ Comma separated values (CSV) Window: "Number and Date Format" containing "Same number" and "Same date format as in report"
        __ Data Interchange Format (DIF) Window: "Number and Date Format" containing "Same number" and "Same date format as in report"
        __ Excel 2.1 Window: "Choose Export File"
        __ Excel 3.0 Window: "Choose Export File"
        __ Excel 4.0 Window: "Choose Export File"
        __ Excel 5.0 Window: "Choose Export File"
        __ HTML 3.0 (Draft Standard) Window: "Export to Directory"
        __ HTML 3.0 (Explorer 2.0) Window: "Export to Directory"
        __ HTML 3.0 (Netscape 3.0) Window: "Export to Directory"
        __ Lotus 1-2-3 (WK1) Window: "Choose Export File"
        __ Lotus 1-2-3 (WK3) Window: "Choose Export File"
        __ Lotus 1-2-3 (WKS) Window: "Choose Export File"
        __ Record Style (columns of values) Window: "Number and Date Format" containing "Same number" and "Same date format as in report"
        __ Rich Text Format Window: "Choose Export File"
        __ Tab-separated text Window: "Choose Export File"
        __ Tab-separated values Window: "Number and Date Format" containing "Same number" and "Same date format as in report"
        __ Text Window: "Choose Export File"
        __ Word for Windows Document Window: "Choose Export File"

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      another page on this site WinRunner TSL Coding 
      another page on this site WinRunner Functions 
      another page on this site Data Driven Testing 
      another page on this site Transition Testing 

      another page on this site Rational Robot 
      another page on this site Free Training! 

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