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Reload this page Test Automation Frameworks

This page compares and describes "data driven" and "keyword" driven automated tests using open source libraries and WinRunner from Mercury Interactive — the hardest won (but easily forgotten) insights not obvious from available documentation.

“Hey, we've got a problem here.”


Topics this page:

  • Why Frameworks?
  • Driver Frameworks
  • Infrastructures
  • Driver Keywords
  • Summary
  • Flow Diagram
  • SAFS/STAF2 Install
  • WRSAFS Install
  • WRSAFS Customization
  • Keywords & Functions
  • Fitnesse/Abbot
  • STAF3 Install
  • Related Topics
  • Your comments???


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    Set screen Why Frameworks for Test Automation?

      First, we need to clarify some terms that are used by different authors on this subject.

      Starting from the bottom of the graphic, the application under test (AUT) is controlled by a test tool such as WinRunner, which references GUI maps to uniquely recognize objects it wants to control.

      Traditionally, WinRunner scripts are usually written as a hierarchy of script functions.

      But as the number of scripts increase, individuals may develop a driver which uses data (information in spreadsheets or flat files) to vary test script execution.

      This reduces the need to interact with "messy" script code, but does not minimize script coding because the logic to read the data and then perform the desired actions still needs to be coded and debugged.

      Organizations wishing for greater productivity can make use of keyword interpreter libraries (such as WRSAFS) which have pre-defined functions to read "high-level" keyword (commands) specified to drive the AUT.

      Organizations wishing to manage assets into and out of many tests or need to integrate events, messages, and logs together from various sources (JUnit, grep, WinRunner, etc.) use a package such as open source STAF to provide an information broker infrastructure.

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      Set screen Record/Playback Test Tools

      Test tools record user actions as scripts and plays back those scripts to emulate user actions.

      Examples of test tool packages for functional testing include:

      • Mercury's WinRunner for Web, .NET, Java, PowerBuilder, etc.
      • Mercury's Quick Test Pro
      • IBM Rational Robot Classic, RobotJ, XDE, etc.
      • QARun from Compuware
      • Empirix (formerly RSW) e-TEST web testing suite
      • JUnit for Java, Nunit for .NET, etc.
      • Test Complete
      • WorkSoft
      • WebFT
      • Abbot

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      Set screen Test Tool Driver Frameworks

      Test Driver frameworks "drive" the replay of scripts. For example, the SAFS framework uses keywords in plain text files rather than a matrix of function calls.

      This makes it faster and easier to use test tools because they:

      1. Provide common functions for error detection, logging, etc. not provided by test tools. Because the framework's functions automatically performs validations on every object within every action without additional coding, many hours of script coding and debugging is avoided. For example, the WRSAFS framework includes the CSO libraries of functions for WinRunner users

      2. Provide complete examples. For example, WRSAFS installation enables a complete test of the "flight" application that is WinRunner's sample application.

      3. Define de-facto naming conventions for common environment variables, functions, messages, and other terminology.

      4. Make test specs independent of the test tool. Another tool can potentially be substituted for WinRunner because rather than making calls to the unique syntax of each tool's API, the framework processes generic keywords in plain text files. Otherwise, test scripts crafted for one test tool are usually useless for use in competitive tools.

      5. Allow testing work to begin sooner. Unlike capture/playback, which requires the application to be operational, the framework's three-layer test specification hides low-level details. During application design, when use cases are known, Test Analysts can define "what" to test (the "high-level" test cycles) without knowing the scripting language. When specific application variable names are known, analysts can define test suites with specific values. "How" the application's gui map and scripts implement the action keywords is done as the application matures.

      6. Enables testing work to progress in a structured, top-down, distributed approach by several specialists working separately.

        Unlike tracing function calls within many pages of test script code, keyword test specs don't have extraneous programming characters, so they are easier to follow what is being tested. This makes it easier to have separate (several) script programmers working on different parts of the app, making the test project easier to scale larger.

        This makes for a much more manageable process to plan and track.

      7. Use of public domain frameworks distributes the work. For example, here are the recent changes to the framework source:
        • ANSI wide character support


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      Set screen Infrastructures

      An infrastructure such as STAF provides services that standardizes across many applications and utilities:

      • Event Scheduling (Cron EventManger)
      • Process Invocation
      • Dynamic data and configuration Management (Var)
      • Queue and Event Messages and Notifications (Email)
      • Synchronization of work (Sem)
      • Resource Pool (ResPool) Management
      • Remote run status monitoring
      • Combination of Logs from multiple sources (JUnit logs with grep output with WinRunner reports)
      • (Zip) File Packaging and Unpackaging
      • File Transfer (FS)

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    Set screen Driver Keyword Test Data Specifications

      From SAFS record formats

      SAFS reads "test tables" with tabs or commas delimiting fields in fixed positions, such as this file named TestInvalidLogin:

      ;    , Window, Component,  Action Keyword, Argument values:
      T    , Login ,  UserID  ,  SetTextValue  , ^userid
      T    , Login , Password ,  SetTextValue  , ^password
      T    , Login ,  Submit  ,  Click
      T    , Error , Message  , VerifyProperty , ^prop="Text", ^val="Invalid!"
      T    , Error ,   OK     ,  Click

      These lines are contained in what SAFS calls a Step table because it specifies individual "low-level" step-by-step actions.

      SAFS recognizes hat characters (^) to specify variables that are substituted with values in Suite tables such as this "intermediate" file named "VerifyLoginFunctions":

      T , TestInvalidLogin    , , ^userid=goodID , ^password=badPassword
      T , TestValidLogin      , , ^userid=goodID , ^password=goodPassword
      T , TestCancelledLogins , , ^userid=goodID , ^password=goodPassword

      Such files are specified by Cycle tables listing test suites:

      T , VerifyLoginFunctions, ,
      T , VerifyAdminFunctions, ,

      Idea Design these "high level" Cycle table entries so that each can run independently of each other in any sequence. That way, they can be run randomly, which can identify additional defects in design or implementation.

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      Set screen Summary

      The architecture of Carl Nagle's data keyword "Core Data Driven Engine" framework is modular and flexible because it uses a hierarchy of 3 levels of drivers: Cycles, Suites, and Steps.

      Level Description folder File Suffix
      High Each run starts by opening a Cycle table containing a list of suites to execute. Cycle .CDD
        Each suite name requested is associated with a Suite table containing values passed to invoke various step tables.
      Suite .STD
          Each step table contains a list of actions executed against specific component objects within specified windows.
      Step .SDD
      Set screen

      Action keywords such as "SetTextValue" within the StepX.SDD file are associated with functions (generic WinRunner scripts) pre-defined by the WRSAFS framework, with arguments (such as ^ treated by the framework as inputs to framework functions.

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    Set screen Framework Internal Flow Diagram

    1. From the Operating System (such as a Run window or a WSH script)
    2. a batch file or link to WinRunner can be invoked
    3. to invoke WinRunner.
    4. The WRUN.ini fileanother page on this site may be
    5. specified in the batch file
    6. or automatically loaded by WinRunner.

    7. The add-in during WinRunner initiation specifies
    8. run of script wrsfasinit which
    9. defines functions from the Mercury and others in the lib\WRSAFS folder.

    10. The default startup script is
    11. "StartCycleTest" in the C:\WRSAFS folder.
    12. This script obtains Windows Registry
    13. keys in HKLM Software WRAFS
    14. using function "get_registry_value" defined in the CSO library.

    15. StartCycleTest invokes the STAFProc.exe application if STAF is enabled, then
    16. call the CDCycleDriver function to commence a data-driven test
    17. using WinRunner scripts in the C:\WRSAFS folder.

    18. The Cycle Driver reads CCD cycle files which begins with driver command "SetApplicationMap" that
    19. loads
    20. from a project folder (named Datapool by default) that houses
    21. gui files initially
    22. obtained from WinRunner recordings of
    23. manual actions on the
    24. application under test (AUT).

    25. Objects defined within gui files are referenced by WinRunner. These files are loaded by every driver file.
    26. The framework also requires its own application map containing
    27. objects referenced within driver specification files cycle,
    28. Suite and
    29. Step files as well as STAF services. Note: Changes in the Application Map file will require restarting of STAF Services for changes to take effect.

    30. These files can be edited by
    31. Wordpad
    32. Excel spreadsheet program or the
    33. SAFS Test Generator utility that saves Excel as tab/comma delimited files

    34. The framework's ProcessMapFile script converts WinRunner GUI maps to Framework maps.
    35. The driver controls the App
    36. and creates text log files (from functions such as SetTextLogEnabled)
    37. and well as traditional WinRunner logs (using functions such as report_msg).

    WRSAFS architecture

    Click here to pop this graphic up in a new window.

    Reference: MSWord file CHAPTER 2.doc by John Crunk

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    Set screen SAFS & STAF2 Installation

      The most recent version of SAFS Framework I know is 2005.05.12.

      Do this! From Start > open a Run window:

        cd \
        cscript SetupSAFS.vbs

        Wait for the pop-ups, including the "Installation Complete" at the end.

        Reminder The file is used during this install process.

        You are given a choice to install STAF. Say "YES" even though an older version 2.5.1 is installed. (it's not compatible with STAF v3.0.3)

        After each reboot, your machine will automatically start a DOS window that runs a 3,664K STAFProc.exe which has (for v3.1.0) Windows Task Manager "Mem Usage" of 5,744 K. Don't delete that window or SAFS will not be able to use STAF to read application maps. SAFS uses the opensource STAF project as its multi-platform, cross-process, distributed testing link by implementing a STAF VAR service wrapper called the SAFSVariableService to handle SAFS variables in a STAF environment.

        If the "C:\STAF" contains a log.txt file and no useful files if there has been an installation problem (like not being able to find the Java SDK folder).

      The SFAS/STAF installer:

        Var Value
        CLASSPATH ;C:\STAF\bin\JSTAF.jar;
        CLASSPATH_SAFSBAK same as above
      • adds these Environment variables:

      • Adds file DDVariableStore.dll (151,552 byte dated 10/30/2002) to

      • Adds within "Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs" an entry for "Software Test Automation Framework".

      • Adds within the Windows Registry these entries:


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    Set screen WRSAFS (WinRunner Software Automation Framework Support) Installation

        Documentation is in a prior (2004.8.31) package of WRAFS not included in the current installer package:

      mail list Please search and read through the mail archive before posting new messages to it through emailing to

      Do this! Download and install SAFS (described in the prior section above).

      Do this! Installshield MSInstaller file Download the most current (2005.7.11) version of WRAF (WinRunner Automation Framework) (also named WRSAFS in installed folders) for WinRunneranother page on this site was added by John Crunk and others since 2002.

      Do this! Run the executable (.exe) InstallShield installer. It does the following:

      • Puts a "Winrunner SAFS" entry within "Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs".

      • Puts into the Windows Registry entries in HKEY_USERS\ ... \ Software \ WRAFS.

      • Puts into folder c:\WRSAFS several script folders to define framework functions within WinRunner

        %M_ROOT%\lib\wrafsinit - reloads lib\win32api and 11 libraries in C:\WRSAFS within %M_ROOT%\lib (marked "L" below) that were installed by wrsafs.vbs, listed below in call-chain order:

        • cominit reloads script comlib to run com_initialize()
        • cso2_init * reloads script cso2load and calls initcso2() which defines ...
        • cso3_init * reloads script
        • cso_init * uses the GUI_get_name() function to determine whether to load for "windows"
          • win32api and
          • cso32lib - loads lib\arch\ cso32lib and lv_fin.dll
          • win_api and
          • cso16lib - loads lib\arch\cso16lib.dll used by "cso functions 3"
        • csoxinit * which loads
          • csoxload - generates functions SMTP_email_x, SMTP_email_file_x, get_last_error, dos_system_x, atoi_x, itoa_x
        • ext_func - loads lib\arch\ext_func.dll and declares extern names to reference it.
        • func_gen * loads from lib\\WRSAFS compiled modules (formerly residing under the samples/utils folder)
          • L - meter *
          • L - misc *
          • L - misc_cs *
          • L - sysinfo *

      To avoid the message shown at the right, in Windows Explorer, right click on this folder, select "Properties", and un-select "read-only" to each of these folders:

      Do this! Invoke WinRunner with Add-ins listed:

      • Select add-ins ActiveX and Visual Basic. If you don't, calls to functions such as "ActiveX_get_info" will not be recognized and the execution will fail.

      • With WinRunner 7.6, you need to request from Mercury a license key to turn on the addin.
        While you're waiting, open wrsafsinit within the %M_ROOT%\lib folder and run it.

      • With a previous version, I needed to replace all "WRAFS" to "WRSAFS" in lib\wrsafinit and the C:\WRSAFS library listed above.

      • In screen capture Tools > General Options > Folders, click the square "+" to add the search paths listed above.

        Reminder When a script calls for another function, WinRunner searches for scripts top down in the sequence order which the multiple paths appear above. Search paths allow you to avoid errors such as:

      • In Tools > General Options > make changes to values specified in the WinRunner Configuration values page.

            "Timeout for checkpoints and CS..." from 10,000 to 5000
            "Fail test when single property check fails" UNCHECK
            "Break when verification fails" UNCHECK
            "Delay for window synchronization" from 1000 to 0
            "Timeout for synchronization message" from 2000 to 0
            "Drop synch timeout if failed" UNCHECK
            These add-ins should be loaded in WinRunner: ActiveX, Visual Basic, WebTest

      • Open the C:\WRSAFS\StartCycleTest script and run it.

        This references the C:\Datapool folder containing a sample set of driver specification files to test Mercury's flight sample application:

        • Bench
        • Cycle
        • Dif
        • Logs
        • Step
        • Suite
        • Taborder
        • Test
        • flightvb.gui

        click for Regedit image By default, the names of these folders are defined by the WRSAFS installer in these keys under Windows Registry path

          Key Default Value Notes
          EnginePath C:\WRSAFS
          CyclePath Cycle Sub folder name under EnginePath
          StepPath Step Sub folder name under EnginePath
          SuitePath Suite Sub folder name under EnginePath


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      Set screen Adding a Driver Spec to the Sample Application

      After the demo test completes, the flight app remains at the conclusion of a driver test run using C:\Datapool. So...

      Do this! Here's an exercise for you. Please add script code to close the application.

      The solution is below. But don't look at this until you have tried it yourself!

      1. In the Cycle folder, Flight.CDD file, add a line to "CloseApp".

      2. In the Suite folder, create a new file named "CloseApp.STD" (by copying and pasting from "LaunchApp.STD")

      3. Edit the new "CloseApp.STD" file and add a line:

          T CloseFlight

      4. In the Step folder, create a new file named "CloseFlight.SDD" (by copying and pasting from "FindFlight.STD")

      5. Edit the new "CloseFlight.SDD" file and add a line:

          T FlightReservation FlightReservation SelectMenuItem "File;Exit"

      6. These are determined by seeing what script is recorded by WinRunner as the app is exercised manually.

          win_activate ("Flight Reservation");
          set_window ("Flight Reservation", 4);
          menu_select_item ("File;Exit");

      7. To see if the framework can catch errors, change invocation of flighta.exe to flightb.exe.

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    Set screen WRSAFS Custom Configuration

      Do this! To change WRASAFS samples for your own application:

    1. Use WinRunner to record a gui map:

      1. Select Tools|GUI Map Editor in Winrunner
      2. Open the Application to be tested
      3. Click on Learn in the Map Editor
      4. Select the Window of the Application
      5. Answer Yes to the prompt
      6. Navigate to the next screen to learn
      7. Go to Step 3 until all application has been learned
      8. Save the temporary GUI Map File with a permanent name in the project folder.

    2. Create an Application Map

    3. To change the location of your project (from the default "C:\Datapool"), open for edit file STAFWRAFS.INI and WRAFS.INI

        PROJECTDIR = C:\MyDataPool2

      Note: This is done instead of one author's suggestion of editing the C:\WRSAFS\StartCycleTest script, which does not work because called functions reset the value of changes to variable definitions.

    4. Instead of coding WinRunner functions, create step files using webpage article SAFS generic keywords (Note: There are missing files in the webpage article reference installed by my version of SAFS to C:\SAFS\doc\.

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    Set screen SAFS Test Generator

      WRAFS accepts tab separated files as input, but can be made to accept files in CSV format by ???

      MSWord file APPENDIX A: USING EXCEL HELPER to convert data in Excel spreadsheets to tab/comma delimited files.

      SAFS also provides a utility to manage test driver files: MSInstaller file SAFS Test Generator

      The MSI installs to C:\Program Files\SAFS TestGenerator\ with several spreadsheets:

      • StarterProject.xls - AUT Project Workbook
      • StarterOutput_Low.xls - SAFS Engine Workbook
      • StarterOutput_High.xls - Sample Ouput Table for Cycles and Suites
      • StarterAppMap.xls - Sample Ouput Table for Steps
      • DDEngine.xls - Sample Excel AppMap in 3-column format

      The installer inserts registry entries in HKEY_USERS\ ... \ Software \ SAS Institute \ Testware \ VBTestGenerator and HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ ... \

      When VBTestGenerator.exe is invoked, it opens Excel because it needs Excel.

    SAFS Java TestGenerator Setup screen

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    Set screen Keywords and Functions

      Here are links directly into webpage article Carl Nagle's SAFS Keywords Reference, which identifies the format of each function. (Only keywords relevant to WinRunner are shown, not keywords for RobotJ, etc.). This enables us to search quickly.

      Note: ".SBH" files are header names carried over from the predecessor IBM Rational SQARobot product. They are included in functions making use of that library.

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      Set screen Driver Framework Keywords & Functions

      Function Keywords for WinRunner Note
      StartCycleTest Loads .dlls. This is the top script to invoke, which invokes others listed below.
      [Commonly Used]
      CycleDriverSTACK &
      [page currently unavailable] [Rarely Used]
      [Commonly Used]
      StepDriverSTACK &
      [page currently unavailable] [Rarely Used]
      [Commonly Used]
      SuiteDriverSTACK &
      [page currently unavailable] [Rarely Used]
      DDDriverCounterCommands DeleteCounter, LogCounterInfo, ResetCounter, SetCounterMode,
      StoreCounterInfo, StartCounter, StopCounter,
      StartRequirement, StopRequirement,
      StartCycle, StopCycle, StartSuite, StopSuite,
      StartProcedure, StopProcedure, StartTestcase, StopTestcase,
      SuspendStatusCounts, ResumeStatusCounts
      DDDriverFileCommands [not marked for WR]
      DDDriverLogCommands LogFailureOK, LogMessage, LogTestFailure, LogTestSuccess, LogTestWarning, LogWarningOK

      Set screen Utility Functions

      WRSAFS Script WRSAFS Functions Note
      [Commonly Used]
      BufferUtilities_X.SBH [Rarely Used] [only .SBH?]
      DDEngine.SBH [WR script not in reference]
      [Commonly Used]
      [Commonly Used]
      [Commonly Used]
      ExcelUtilities [Commonly Used] [not a WR script file]
      FileUtilities &
      [Rarely Used]
      [Rarely Used] [Not a WR script file]
      [Commonly Used]
      MenuOps [WR script not in reference]
      MUGetMenuItemStrings, MUGetMenuItemIndexID, MUGetMenuItemTextIndex, MUGetMenuItemIndexText, MUGetMenuItemIndexState, MUGetMenuItemTextState MUGetMatchedMenuItemTextState, MUGetMatchedMenuItemTextIndex, MUGetMenuItemTextSubMenuHandle, MUGetMenuItemIndexSubMenuHandle, IsMenuItemEnabled, IsMenuItemGrayed, IsMenuItemChecked, IsMenuItemHiLited, IsMenuItemABitmap, IsMenuItemDefault, IsMenuItemAMenu, IsMenuItemAMenuBarBreak, IsMenuItemAMenuBreak, IsMenuItemAMenuSeparator, MUGetMenuItemStateString MUVerifyTestStateString, GetHierarchyInfo, MUGetMenuInfoFromHierarchy, MUGetMenuHandleInfoFromHierarchy, MUGetMenuHandleInfoFromMenuID,MUGetMenuInfoFromMenuID, ProcessMenuForID, MUOutputMenuHandleStructure, MUOutputMenuStructure, MUGetActivePopupMenu [Commonly Used]
      ProcessContainer [not a WR script file - for Robot only] [Commonly Used]
      NTCommandUtilities &
      WaitForNTCommandCompletion , RunWshShellProgram , ExecWshShellProgram , Run_NTCMPTRE_EXE , Run_SED_EXE , Run_GREP_EXE , Run_NTFileComp_EXE , Run_GNUDiff_EXE , NTFileCompResult , GNUDiffCompResult , Run_RRAFSTextDiff_EXE , Run_RRAFSBinaryDiff_EXE [Lesser Used]
      StackDriverInfo Declares arrarys StepDriverState,SuiteDriverState, CycleDriverState [WR script not in reference]
      SAFSUtilities &
      SAFSisToolAvailable, SAFSWaitForTool, SAFSAutoLaunchSAFSTools,
      SAFSisSAFSAvailable, SAFSisSAFSMAPSAvailable, SAFSisSAFSVARSAvailable, SAFSsetSAFSVariable, SAFSsubmitServiceRequest, SAFSisSAFSLOGSAvailable,
      SAFSisDriverCommandsAvailable, SAFSLaunchDriverCommands, SAFSAutoLaunchDriverCommands
      makeQuotedString, makeQuotedPath, SAFSWaitForDriverCommands, SAFSShutdownDriverCommands,
      [WR script not in reference]
      STAFInitLogFacility, STAFLogMessage, STAFRegisterWR, lentagSTAFValue, STAFSubmit, STAFSubmit2, STAFFree, STAFCloseLogFacility, STAFUnRegister,
      IsToolAvailable, ProcessStringCommand, STAFIsSAFSLOGSAvailable, STAFIsSAFSVARSAvailable, STAFIsSAFSMAPSAvailable, STAFGetSAFSVariable, STAFSetSAFSVariable, STAFGetGUIID, STAFAddHeaderFooter, STAFLaunchSAFSLOGS, STAFLaunchSAFSVARS, STAFLaunchSAFSMAPS, STAFOpenAppMap, CurrentAppMapPath, STAFCloseAppMap, STAFLaunchSAFS, STAFVariableCount, STAFClearSAFSVariable, STAFAppMap, SAFSDriverCommands, STAFFileCopy, processToolRequest, getQueueMessage, sendQueueMessage, STAFresetEvent, STAFresetClassicEvents, STAFpulseEvent, STAFpostEvent, STAFwaitEvent, STAFwaitMutex, STAFreleaseMutex, STAFreleaseMutex, callSAFSHook, testvarsub, testvars, prepTestRecordData
      [Commonly Used]
      StringUtilities LTrimWhiteSpace , RTrimWhiteSpace , TrimWhiteSpace , LastInStr , GetTrimmedField , GetFixedWidthField , GetTrimmedFixedWidthField , FindAndReplace , GetNextNonBlankFieldIndex , GetNextFieldIndex , GetNextDelimiterIndex , GetFieldIndex , GetFieldCount , GetFieldArray , GetLiteralQuotedField , GetLiteralQuotedRecordField , GetNonBlankField , GetQuotedString , GetTrimmedQuotedString , GetQuotedField , GetTrimmedQuotedField , GetMultiDelimitedFieldCount , GetMultiDelimitedField , ProcessExpression , ProcessFieldExpressions , ConvertHTMLEntities , InitializeRegExp , ConvertHex2Long , RegExpExecute , RegExpTest , RegExpReplace [Commonly Used]
      WIN32.SBH &
      Export header file for advapi32.dll, kernele32.dll, user32.dll, comdlg32.dll, shell32.dll, mpr.dll, winmm.dll, gdi.dll, Shlwapi.dll, occache.dll [Lesser Used]
      WinRegistryUtilities Misc routines using the WIN32 API -- ConvertTwipsToPixels. [Lesser Used]
      Win32Utilities [not a WR script file] [Lesser Used]
      ProcessMapFile Converts WinRunner GUI maps to Framework maps.
      Publish [not a WR script file] Parse SQARobot source and header files that have been properly formatted for publication. [Commonly Used]
      [not a WR script file] [Lesser Used]

      Set screen Driver Customization Keywords

      Function Keywords for WinRunner Note
      Custom Driver Commands
      Custom Log Utilities
      Custom Record Types
      [not script file] Robot Custom Extensions

      Set screen Window Keywords & Functions

      WRSAFS Function Keywords for WinRunner WinRunner Function
      Window Click,
      desktop_capture_bitmap - Captures a bitmap of the entire desktop or of the specified area of the desktop.
      set_window - Specifies the window to receive input, according to the window's logical name.
      set_window - Specifies a window to receive input, according to the window's physical description.
      win_activate - Activates a window.
      win_capture_bitmap_- Captures a window or a specified area of a window as a bitmap.
      win_check_bitmap - Compares a current window bitmap to an expected bitmap.
      win_check_gui - Compares current GUI data to expected GUI data.
      win_check_info - Checks the requested window property.
      win_check_text_- Checks the text of a window or area of a window compared to the specified expected text.
      win_click_help - Clicks the help button in a window title bar.
      win_click_on_text - Clicks on text in a window.
      win_close - Closes a window.
      win_drag - Drags an object from a source window.
      win_drop - Drops an object on a target window.
      win_exists - Checks whether a window is displayed.
      win_find_text - Returns the location of a string in a window.
      win_get_desc - Returns the physical description of a window.
      win_get_info - Returns the value of a window property.
      win_get_text - Reads text from a window.
      win_highlight - Highlights a window.
      win_max - Maximizes a window.
      win_min - Minimizes a window to an icon.
      win_mouse_click - Clicks in a window.
      win_mouse_dbl_click - Double-clicks in a window.
      win_mouse_drag - Drags the mouse in a window.
      win_mouse_move - Moves the mouse in a window.
      win_move - Moves a window to a new absolute location.
      win_move_locator_text - Moves the mouse to a string in a window.
      win_open - Opens a window.
      win_resize - Resizes a window.
      win_restore - Restores a window from a minimized or maximized state to its previous size.
      win_type - Sends keyboard input to a window.
      win_wait_bitmap - Waits for a window bitmap.
      win_wait_info - Waits for the value of a window property.

      Set screen GUI Component Keywords & Functions

      WRSAFS Function Keywords for WinRunner WinRunner Function
      CheckBox Check,
      ComboBox Click,
      Database [not a WR script file]
      EditBox SetTextCharacters,
      edit_activate - Double-clicks an object in an Oracle, Java, or Oracle Developer 2000 application.
      edit_check_info - Checks the value of an edit object property.
      edit_check_selection - Checks that a string is selected.
      edit_check_text - Checks the contents of an edit object.
      edit_delete - Deletes the contents of an edit object.
      edit_delete_block - Deletes a text block from an edit object.
      edit_get_block - Returns a block of text from an edit object.
      edit_get_info - Returns the value of an edit object property.
      edit_get_row_length - Returns the length of a row in an edit object.
      edit_get_rows_count - Returns the number of rows written in an edit object.
      edit_get_selection - Returns the selected string in an edit object.
      edit_get_selection_pos - Returns the position at which the selected block starts and ends.
      edit_get_text - Returns the text in an edit object.
      edit_insert - Inserts text in an edit object.
      edit_insert_block - Inserts text in a multi-line edit object.
      edit_replace - Replaces part of the contents of an edit object.
      edit_replace_block - Replaces a block of text in a multi-line edit object.
      edit_set - Replaces the entire contents of an edit object.
      edit_set_focus- Focuses on an object in an Oracle, Java, or Oracle Developer 2000 application.
      edit_set_insert_pos - Places the cursor at the specified point in an edit object.
      edit_set_selection - Selects text in an edit object.
      edit_type - Types a string in an edit object.
      edit_wait_info - Waits for the value of an edit object property.
      ComboEditBox Click,
      GenericFunctions cvt,
      Space(in count,
      in thestring),
      with _X.SBH
      GenericObject Click,
      obj_check_bitmap - Compares a current object bitmap to an expected bitmap.
      obj_check_gui - Compares current GUI data to expected GUI data.
      obj_check_info - Checks the value of an object property.
      obj_check_text_- Checks the text of an object or area compared to the specified expected text.
      obj_click_on_text - Clicks on text in an object.
      obj_drag - Begins dragging an object.
      obj_drop - Ends dragging an object.
      obj_exists - Checks if an object is displayed.
      obj_find_text - Returns the location of a string within an object.
      obj_get_desc - Returns an object's physical description.
      obj_get_info - Returns the value of an object property.
      obj_get_text - Reads text from an object.
      obj_highlight - Highlights an object.
      obj_mouse_click - Clicks on an object.
      obj_mouse_dbl_click - Double-clicks on an object.
      obj_mouse_drag - Drags the mouse within an object.
      obj_mouse_move - Moves the mouse within an object.
      obj_move_locator_text - Moves the mouse to a string in an object.
      obj_type - Sends keyboard input to an object.
      obj_wait_bitmap - Waits for an object bitmap.
      obj_wait_info - Waits for the value of an object property.
      GraphicControl Click,
      button_check_info - Checks the value of a button property.
      button_check_state - Checks the state of a radio or check button.
      button_get_info - Returns the value of a button property.
      button_get_state - Returns the state of a radio or check button.
      button_press - Clicks a push button.
      button_set - Sets the state of a radio or check button.
      button_wait_info - Waits for the value of a button property.
      PushButton Click,
      RadioButton Click
      HTMLImage Click,
      ScrollBar OneDown,
      scroll_check_info - Checks the value of a scroll property.
      scroll_check_pos - Checks the current position of a scroll.
      scroll_drag - Drags a scroll to the specified location.
      scroll_drag_from_min - Scrolls the specified distance from the minimum position.
      scroll_get_info - Returns the value of a scroll property.
      scroll_get_max - Returns the value of a scroll at its maximum (end) position.
      scroll_get_min - Returns the value of the scroll at its minimum (start) position.
      scroll_get_selected - Returns the minimum and maximum values of the selected range on a slider.
      scroll_get_pos - Returns the current scroll position.
      scroll_line - Scrolls the specified number of lines.
      scroll_max - Sets a scroll to the maximum (end) position.
      scroll_min - Sets a scroll to the minimum (start) position.
      scroll_page - Moves a scroll the specified number of pages.
      scroll_wait_info - Waits for the value of a scroll property.
      [Not WR functions]
      HTMLLink Click,
      [Not WR functions]
      Label Click static_check_info - Checks the value of a static text object property.
      static_check_text - Checks the contents of a static text object.
      static_get_info - Returns the value of a static text property.
      static_get_text - Returns the contents of a static text object.
      static_wait_info - Waits for the value of a static text property.
      ListBox ActivatePartialMatch,
      list_activate_item - Activates an item.
      list_check_info - Checks the value of a list property.
      list_check_item - Checks the content of an item in a list.
      list_check_selected - Checks that the specified item is selected.
      list_collapse_item - Hides items in a tree view object.
      list_deselect_item - Deselects an item.
      list_deselect_range - Deselects all items between two specified items.
      list_drag_item - Drags an item from a source list.
      list_drop_on_item - Drops an object onto a target list item.
      list_expand_item - Displays hidden items in a tree view object.
      list_extend_item - Adds an item to the items already selected.
      list_extend_multi_items - Adds multiple items to the items already selected.
      list_extend_range - Selects a range of items and adds them to the items currently selected.
      list_get_checked_items - Returns the value of items marked as checked.
      list_get_column_header - Returns the value of a ListView column header.
      list_get_info - Returns the value of a list property.
      list_get_item - Returns the contents of an item.
      list_get_item_coord - Returns the dimensions and coordinates of the list item.
      list_get_item_info - Returns the state of a list item.
      list_get_item_num - Returns the position of an item.
      list_get_items_count - Returns the number of items in the list.
      list_get_selected - Returns the currently selected item.
      list_get_subitem - Returns the value of the ListView subitem.
      list_rename_item - Activates an item's edit mode in order to rename it.
      list_select_item - Selects an item in a list.
      list_select_multi_items - Selects items in a multiple-selection container object.
      list_select_range - Selects all items between two specified items.
      list_set_item_state - Sets the state of an icon of the specified ListView or TreeView.
      list_wait_info - Waits for the value of a list property.
      ComboListBox Select,
      ListView ActivateTextItem,
      TreeView CollapseTextNode,
      PopupMenu SelectPopupMenuItem, SelectPopupMenuID
      TabControl Click,
      tab_get_info - Returns the value of a tab property.
      tab_get_item - Returns the name of a tab item.
      tab_get_selected - Returns the name of the selected tab item.
      tab_select_item - Selects a tab item.
      tab_wait_info - Waits for the value of a tab property.
      TableView ActivateTableRow,
      tbl_activate_cell - Double-clicks the specified cell in a table.
      tbl_activate_col - Double-clicks the specified column.
      tbl_activate_header - Double-clicks the specified column header in a table.
      tbl_activate_row - Double-clicks the specified row.
      tbl_deselect_col - Deselects the specified column.
      tbl_deselect_cols_range - Deselects the specified range of columns.
      tbl_deselect_row - Deselects the specified row.
      tbl_deselect_rows_range - Deselects the specified range of rows.
      tbl_extend_col - Adds a column to the currently selected columns.
      tbl_extend_cols_range - Adds columns to the currently selected columns.
      tbl_extend_row - Adds a row to the currently selected rows.
      tbl_extend_rows_range - Adds rows to the currently selected rows.
      tbl_get_cell_data - Retrieves the contents of the specified cell from a table.
      tbl_get_cols_count - Retrieves the number of columns in a table.
      tbl_get_column_name - Retrieves the column header name of the specified column in a table.
      tbl_get_column_names - Returns the names and number of columns in a table for PowerBuilder applications.
      tbl_get_rows_count - Retrieves the number of rows in the specified table.
      tbl_get_selected_cell - Returns the cell currently in focus in a table.
      tbl_get_selected_row - Returns the row currently selected in a table.
      tbl_select_cells_range - Selects the specified range of cells.
      tbl_select_col_header - Selects the specified column header of a table.
      tbl_select_cols_range - Selects the specified range of columns.
      tbl_select_rows_range - Selects the specified range of rows tbl_set_cell_data - Sets the contents of a cell to the specified text in a table.
      tbl_set_cell focus - Sets the focus to the specified cell in a table.
      tbl_set_selected_cell - Selects the specified cell in a table.
      tbl_set_selected_col - Selects the specified column in a table.
      tbl_set_selected_row - Selects the specified row in a table.
      HTMLTable Click,
      VSFlexGrid [Not a WR script folder]
      ToolBar [WR functions defined, but for Robot Classic only?] toolbar_button_press - Clicks on a toolbar button.
      toolbar_get_button - Returns the name of a toolbar button.
      toolbar_get_button_info - Returns the value of a toolbar button property.
      toolbar_get_button_num - Returns the position of a toolbar button.
      toolbar_get_buttons_count - Returns the number of buttons on a toolbar.
      toolbar_select_item - Selects an item from a menu-like toolbar, as in IE 4.
      0 or the Start menu in Windows 98.
      SSTree CollapseNode,
      [Sheridan Class=SSTree]

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    Set screen FIT/FITNesse/Abbot

      FIT (Framework for Integrated Test) was developed by Ward Cunningham,

      It's classified as an acceptance testing tool at because it can be used by (non-technical) customers to build tests easily using spreadsheet tables saved as html.

      FIT parses html pages looking for Action Fixtures that describe user actions and verifications. FIT converts into html tables the commands it recognizes.

      FIT then executes those tests by referencing a test fixture written in Java.

      Abbots (Ab- bots) are inner classes that find components using Java reflection classes.

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    Set screen STAF Version 3

      The first version of STAF came out in 1998 from IBM Austin (where Tivoli and Linux test is designed). It went open source in 2001. It's now used by 150+ IBM teams and 100+ organizations worldwide.

      download the Software Testing Automation Framework as Sourceforge project STAF, which provide the software to power services (http, email, event, eventmanager, namedcounter, cron, timer, fsext, stax, sxe) on most of the major OS platforms.

      The installer creates these folders and files:

        bin / .exe files, STAF.cfg and folders IPv4, IPV6, perl56, perl58
        codepage / alias.txt, ibm-437.bin, ibm-1252.bin
        data /
        docs / .htm and .pdf files
        include / .h header files
        lib / STAF.lib used by Java programs
        samples / c, cpp, demo, genwl, java, misc, rexx

      External services need to be downloaded into folder manually created:


      At the STAF root folder, file STAFReg.inf can be deleted unless you are on IBM's internal network and thus need to register with IBM.

      Also at the STAF root folder, file C:\STAF3\STAFEnv.bat sets up an instance of the STAFproc.exe daemon service on every machine involved in the peer-to-peer STAF environment. It establishes the PATH to executables needed to invoke these commands to start and stop STAF:

      To shutdown in Windows, open another command window:

      Alternately, STAF can be installed as a Windows service. Once done, STAFProc.exe is only used for startup debugging.

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      Set screen STAF Services

      STAF is used as a collection of web services communicating with HTTP protocol over port 80.

      I/E#Service Name Description STAF 3.0 Location: {STAF/DataDir}/service/<Service name (lower-case) STAF 2.x
      Ext. Java 4. CRON Directory <System.getProperty(user.home)>/crondata
      Internal DELAY
      Internal ECHO
      Ext. Java EMAIL
      Ext. Java 5. EVENT Files /GenManager.out and RegManager.out <Directory where STAFProc was started>/GenManager.out and RegManager.out
      Ext. Java 3. EVENTMANAGER Directory {STAF/Config/STAFRoot}/data/eventmanagerdata
      Internal FS File System
      Internal HANDLE
      Internal HELP Allows for robust data-logging and log file querying and manipulation.
      Ext. Java HTTP
      Ext. C++ 1. LOG Allows for robust data-logging and log file querying and manipulation. Directory {STAF/Config/STAFRoot}/data/log
      Internal MISC Provides miscellaneous services such as VERSION, WHOAMI, and WHOAREYOU information, and allows for listing and querying enabled interfaces.
      Ext. C++ MONITOR Allows test cases the ability to log and query status messages.
      6. NamedCounter File ... /namedCounter.ser File <Directory where STAFProc was started>/.serFile
      Internal PING ping other STAF clients to determine their availability.
      Internal PROCESS start, stop, and manage processes.
      Internal QUEUE Manipulate and manage queues awaiting processing.
      Ext. C++ 2. RESOURCE POOL (ResPool) manage exclusive access to entries within resource pools. Directory {STAF/Config/STAFRoot}/data/<Service name (lower-case)>
      Internal SEM SEMAPHORE Manipulate and manage mutex and event semephores.
      Ext. Java STAX workflow - Provides an XML-based execution engine.
      Internal SERVICE Manage STAF services and requests.
      Internal SHUTDOWN Manage the STAFProc daemon process.
      7. Timer Files /tlist.ser and wlist.ser {STAF/Config/STAFRoot}/bin/tlist.ser and wlist.ser
      Internal TRACE Turn tracing on and off at the service and tracepoint level.
      Internal TRUST Manipulate and manage trust levels (security).
      Internal VAR VARIABLE Manipulate and manage system, shared and process specific variable pools.
      Internal Zip Allows for unzipping, listing, and adding/deleting entries in Zip archives which are PKZip, WinZip and Jar compatible.

      To change the list of external STAF services, change the bin\STAF.cfg configuration file. Example in the UG:

        service Event library JSTAF execute c:/staf/services/STAFEvent.jar

      STAF.cfg has these entries by default immediately after a fresh install:

        # Turn on tracing of internal errors and deprecated options
        trace enable tracepoints "error deprecated"
        # Enable TCP/IP connections
        interface tcp library STAFTCP
        # Set default local trust
        trust machine local://local level 5
        # Default Service Loader Service
        serviceloader library STAFDSLS
      The above establishes a trust level of 5 to itself. To this you can add:


      To it you can add static system variables such as:

        SET SYSTEM VAR Test/TestABC=websphere
        SET SYSTEM VAR Test/TestXYZ=150

      Reminder STAF.cfg is loaded only after STAFProc.exe is restarted (after being shutdown).

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      Set screen STAF Requests

      book Commands explained in the STAF FAQ

        staf local service list
        STAF local handle query all
        staf local handle list handles
        staf local var list
        staf local trust list
        STAF local PROCESS START SHELL COMMAND "dir *.*"
        STAF local VAR RESOLVE STRING {STAF/Config/CodePage}
        staf local var resolve string {STAF/Config/Machine}

      book More sample requests at STAF Command Reference

      System Variables are available to all STAF machines.

      Requests between STAF principals are in XML files.

      A handle is assigned each communication between machines.

      STAF log files are stored in a binary format which the FmtLog.exe utility writes to an output file in a readable format.

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