The Bible In All Languages
Over time, different versions of the Bible have been written for use by specific audiences
speaking a certain dialect:
- In 1536, William Tyndale (b 1490) was burned at the stake as a heretic by Catholics in Vilvorde Castle (near Brussels), Belgium for translating the
entire Bible into English (from Greek manuscripts).
His last words were: "Lord, open the King of England's eyes."
His 1525 translation was published on Guttenberg presses (invented 80 years before)
and smuggled into England so that the laity have direct access to the word of God for the first time.
The spelling shown in the
facimilie reprint available today is modernized by
David Daniell's (Yale University Press 1996) print.
Martin Luther was a Catholic monk when he, in 1517, sparked the Protestant Reformation.
He then had to hide from the Catholic pope who feared that Luther would cause a reduction in revenues.
But while hiding, Luther
translated the whole Bible from the original Greek and Hebrew into German.
This, more than the "99 Theses", enabled Protestant denominations by providing them
a Bible they can actually read, since at that time only monks were trained to read Latin.
- The
Houghton Mifflin website notes that portions of the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures now exist in at least forty-six American Indian languages.
But complete versions of the Bible currently exists in just a few languages
among Native Americans in the United States and among First Nations in Canada:
- The first Bible printed in the New World (America)
was written by
John Eliot (1604-1690)
(NT 1661, OT 1663) in the language of the Algonquian
"Praying" Indians of Massachusett.
Since the Algonquian language is purely spoken, Eliot's Bible used the English phonetic alphabet
to create the first Native American written language.
- A complete Bible in Western Cree was published in 1862 by associates of the British and Foreign Bible Society (BFBS),
- followed by versions in Eastern Arctic Inuit, published in 1871 by the BFBS;
- Dakota or Eastern Sioux, financed by the American Bible Society (ABS) and printed in 1880; and
- Gwich'in (a subarctic Cordilleran language), completed in 1898 by associates of the BFBS.
- The Navajo Bible ("DIYAN GOD BIZAAD") was published in 1985 after forty-one years of collaborative effort by the Wycliffe Society and the ABS.
- Work is under way on a Central Yupik version of the Hebrew Testament.
The American Bible Society, the Canadian Bible Society, and the Wycliffe Society's Summer Institute of Linguistics
are currently involved in at least twenty projects
- During World War II, When J.B.Phillips found that English youth felt they can't understand the bible available to them,
he published in 1958 a popular paraphrase of the NT.
- The
Good News Bible (GNB) (NT 1966, OT 1976) distributed by the
American Bible Society made the Bible accessible
— a cheap paperback with cartoons and simple language.
It's author, Robert Bratcher, has been labeled a "liberal" for using the word "life" or "death" for the word "blood"
in its "Dynamic Equivalence" approach to translation.
THE MESSAGE by Eugene H. Peterson, Professor Emeritus of Spiritual Theology at Regent College in Vancouver, British Columbia.
He also founded Christ Our King Presbyterian Church in Bel Air, Maryland, where he ministered for 29 years.
He lives with his wife, Jan, in Montana.
- The
Living Bible paraphrase (mass-marketed as THE BOOK, THE WAY and other names)
was written for his 10 children and more than 25 grandchildren on a Chicago commuter train by Kenneth Nathaniel Taylor,
a Moody Press employee (and a graduate of Wheaton and Dallas Theological Seminary).
When Moody rejected it, he self-published his NT in 1967, OT in 1971.
It was published by PTL as a KJV
Parallel Edition in 1984. Great idea!
In 1996 it was revised and marketed today as the
New Living Translation (NLT)
Over 40 million of these Bibles have been sold, and Taylor went on to become Chairman of
Tyndale House Publishers.
However, Taylor was quoted to say that he feels that he lost his voice as a result of what he himself thinks might be because he tampered with God's Word.
Taylor's other books for children include:
Da Jesus Book in pidgin Hawaiian.
- The
Cotton Patch Bible (Smyth & Helwys Publishing 2004) of work during the 1960's by Clarence Jordan into the colloquialism of the Southern US
(specifically, interracial
Koinonia Farm in Sumter County, Georgia).
The book was converted into the musical "Cotton Patch Gospel" by Tom Key.
- Englishman Nick Page's
The Tabloid Bible (1999) presents the Bible as a British tabloid.
Sightings review.
- GOD IS FOR REAL, MAN uses street-cool language of convicts.
Examples from Curt Daniel include "The Lord is like my probation officer" (Psa. 23:1), and "God is a good hideout".
The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver is not a Bible translation, but a novel about a dysfunctional missionary family.