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Permalink Why Dot Net Nuke?

This page presents (without the sales hype) a concise yet deep analysis of the Microsoft-centric Dot Net Nuke (DNN) CMS (Content Management System).

This is one in a series:


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Go to top of page Introduction to DNN

Go to top of page DNN Books

These books are based on version 4.7, not the current 5.x. However, much of its wisdom are still applicable:

Practical DNN: Evaluating and Using a Web Content Management System (UIT Cambridge Ltd., August 1, 2007, 448 pages) by Niall Mansfield.

Go to top of page Periodical Magazines

DNNCreative magazine offers articles and Tutorials

Go to top of page Community Forums

  • DotNetNuke Community Forums
  • Go to top of page Why DNN? Its Advantages

      I need to upgrade static web pages to a "community website" with Captcha-enabled forms, RSS feeds, SEO, ratings, overload protection, and other features needed in websites today.

      Rather than reinvent the wheel by creating my own user management code for new user registration, login authentication, etc. I'd like to adapt a CMS system.

      There are a number of choices (Mediaweb for Wikipedia-looking wiki pages, DotNetNuke, and __ from Telerik.

      Ultimately, what I'd like to do is reverse engineer a CMS into UML diagrams used to generate code.

      Even if it's your personal site, eventually you're going to be asked "why DNN and not Joomla , Alfresco , LifeRay, etc." What will you say?

      Picking a CMS base system revolves around several considerations:

      Here are some aspects that have been identified in favor of DNN:

    Go to top of page Why NOT DNN?

    We are moving to a world in which in the 21st century the most important activities that produce, occur not in factories, and not by individual initiative, but in communities, held together by software — Eban Moglan, Free Software Foundation Law Center, Oct. 2006

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