Event Log Analysis
The Windows 2000 System Monitor Administrative tool replaces the
NT 4 Performance Monitor with these improvements:
- Log specific counters and instances of an object rather than an entire group. This will reduce the size of log files a LOT.
- Use Performance Logs and Alerts to trigger events, such as send a message, start a performance data log, or run a program, if a counter exceeds a certain value.
- New Performance objects have been added. Example: the Print Queue object allows print queue monitoring.
- Sample log file included with Windows 2000 install.
To create a new log:
Q248345 How to Create a Log Using System Monitor in Windows 2000
- Right-click Counter Logs, click New Log Settings, type a name for the log, and then click OK.
- On the General tab, click Add to add the counters you want.
- On the Log Files tab, click the logging options you want.
- On the Schedule tab, click the scheduling options you want.
The default size of an audit log is 512KB.
The Event Log Query Tool dumps to screen all entries in a user-specified log type (application, security, or system):
ElogDmp.exe \\C1 application
Dumpel.exe from the Resource Kit can selectively dump various event logs
from a local or remote computer to a text file.
These example dump to -file event.out ...
the system event -log on remote -server \\EVENTSVR in the last 3 -days in default space delimited format:
dumpel -f event.out -s eventsvr -l system -d 3
the local system event -log named, filtering -events 2013 in -tab delimited format:
dumpel -f event.out -l system -m rdr -e 2013 -t
the local application -log, -filtering (-r) records named (-m) Garbase, in -comma delimited format:
dumpel -f event.out -l application -m garbase -r -c